2. Waking Up

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“C’mon, Sora!” your high-pitched, little-girl-[Name] voice called to the small, spiky haired brunette running after you.  “I think Riku went this way!”


Your sunny day on the beach faded.  That hadn’t been Sora’s little boy voice.  And it had cracked.

Your eyelids shot open, but all you could see was a painful white so they shut again and you groaned softly. 

“[Name],” this time Sora was happy.  A shadow leaned over you and your eyes opened again to see big blue ones over top of you.

“You’re okay,” you croaked out quietly, your voice hoarse.  Your throat was dry.  You leaned up to hug him and Sora met you halfway, holding you tight.

“Told you it was only a concussion!” a girl called from somewhere behind Sora.

You let go of your friend and looked around the room.  You were in a small twin bed.  There was a small table in the middle of the room with three empty chairs.  Shelves and the corners of the room held boxes and trunks.  A girl with short, black hair stood close by your bed.  She looked shorter than you and you guessed she had been the one to speak.  A tall guy with long brown hair was leaning casually against the wall.  You noted the large sword strapped to his back and black leather jacket with fur trim.  When he noticed you looking he looked away.  Another girl stood by the table.  She had long black hair and was talking quietly with a larger man who had a toothpick sticking out of his mouth and another guy with spiky blonde hair that reminded you of Sora’s.

“Oh!” Sora stood up. “These are my new friends.  Yuffie,” the short girl waved, “Leon,” the guy with long hair nodded in your direction, “Tifa, Cid, and Cloud.”  The other girl waved and smiled, but the other two guys seemed to be too wrapped up in conversation to greet you.

You lifted your arm to wave but hissed in pain when you felt the injuries under your bandages from the claws of the creatures that had attacked you.

“Are you thirsty?” Yuffie asked.  You nodded and she left to grab a glass of water.

“Where are we?” you asked Sora quietly.

“Traverse Town,” he answered.  “Our world was destroyed and we landed here.”

Your eyes widened.  “We’re on a different world?  What about Kairi and Riku?  Wakka and Tidus and-”

“I don’t know,” Sora replied before you could get hysterical, “but these people say they can help us find them.”


“Those things you fought,” Yuffie said as she came back and handed you your water, “they’re called heartless.  That is what happens when the darkness overtakes you.   They destroyed your world. "

“But we defeated them,” you wondered aloud after taking a drink.

“Must not have gotten all of them,” Yuffie shrugged.  “Anyways, we’re a group of people that fight them, and we’d like to help you get your friends back.”

“…thank you.”  Is that what you said to someone that was offering to help you save your friends?  It didn’t seem to be strong enough.

“We need both of you to do it with us, though,” Leon spoke up.  “Both keyblade wielders.”

“It’s actually called a keyblade?” you asked.

“Mhm,” Yuffie nodded.

“We’re going to be heroes, [Name]!” Sora cheered.

“O-Okay,” you grinned half-heartedly at him and lay back on the small twin bed.  Your attempt at understanding everything was coming up a little short.

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