35. The Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee

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In the morning you finished packing and then met everyone at the gummi ship, still parked in the middle of the university campus. You hugged your friends and family one more time before leaving. It was a fast take off and then you were out in space again. It would take less than a day to get to Hollow Bastion so there was no need to unpack yet. The whole morning went by quickly and you were glad that you had the 'see-you-soon' party to spend time with everyone the night before.

"The whole place is completely different!" Yuffie told you. "You're gonna love it."

I remember it being pretty creepy and torn apart. "That's great. I'm glad you guys had the chance to rebuild. Maleficent did a lot of damage."

"Yeah, we've been hard at work," Tifa told you. "The center of town is almost completely rebuilt."

"Wow," you nodded appreciatively.

"It helps that everyone was able to move back home and give a hand," Leon said.

"Yes!" Yuffie smiled, "We have a friend we want you to meet."

"And Merlin is there now!" Sora added.

"Merlin is in Hollow Bastion?" you asked.

Yuffie nodded. "Yeah, if he's not busy he'll help us with stuff."

"Is he from Hollow Bastion?" you asked.

"I don't think so," Leon said. "I think he has homes in a lot of different worlds, though."

"That sounds like Merlin," you agreed. "Did you get to train with him at all?" you asked Sora.

The brunette shook his head. "No, I wasn't there long enough."

"Oh, okay."

There was a quiet moment before Leon said, "Maybe this is a good time to go over everything we know."

"Sure," Tifa nodded.

"Okay, so [Name] has been seeing people dressed in black--"

You interrupted Leon, "Just one person, but he talked about working with a group."

"Right. And we've still been seeing Heartless occasionally." Leon thought for a moment and then turned to the person next to you. "Sora, what were you telling us about your time before you found your way to Hollow Bastion?"

"Oh, hmm..." Sora hummed for a moment and then said, "Well, I woke up and I didn't know where I was, but I found out the place was called Twilight Town. And then, actually, Donald and Goofy and I went to this place with a tower and I met Master Yen Sid..."

"I thought you said you went straight to Hollow Bastion?" you asked.

"Sorry," Sora smiled sheepishly, "I kind of forgot while we were all hanging out at home. It slipped my mind!"

"Who is Master Yen Sid?" Leon asked.

"He knows the king!" Sora said. "I mean, I think he trained him. I don't know, he seems really powerful. But, anyway, he told me about Nobodies, which I kept seeing around Twilight Town."

"Nobodies?" Yuffie asked. "Are they weird, wiggly, white creatures? We've been seeing those in Hollow Bastion."

Sora nodded. "They're what gets left behind after a Heartless is made. What you were probably seeing are called Dusks. I think that's what he said. There are some Nobodies that are more powerful than those Dusk Nobodies, though, and they control the lesser Nobodies."

"Can the Nobodies control Heartless?" Tifa asked.

Sora shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think that's what's happening, though. There's this guy Pete that is controlling the Heartless."

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