3. Good People and Good Food

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“Ah!” you grunted as you cut through another creature of darkness.  You guessed it had been an hour since you started training.  Sora was across the square from you, fighting heartless, too.  Cloud, Leon, Tifa, and Yuffie were all fighting the heartless that came at them.  You marveled at how they all seemed to dance through the beings like this was a talent competition rather than a battle.  The four of them were much, much more advanced than yourself and Sora.

 You paused a moment to catch your breath.  The last heartless had taken you outside of the group a little ways and you watched as the others fought, the four older members only dispatching the heartless that approached them, leaving as many for you and Sora as possible. Leon was the hardest on the two of you, but you were sure it was just to make sure that the two of you were ready.  You figured he had been training for much longer than you and Sora to defeat the Heartless, and he wasn’t sure why the keyblades had chosen the two of you.  He had been quiet walking here to train, a frown on his face, and Yuffie had leaned over to quietly tell you that it was most likely because he didn’t understand how the two of you, with no real experience whatsoever, had been granted the keyblades.  He was frustrated with that fact, but there was nothing he could do, so he said nothing.

Leon’s weapon had caught you off guard when he first used it.  He called it a gunblade, and it was exactly what it sounded like, a combination of gun and blade.  He would swing at the heartless near him, easily taking it out, or help from further away with the bullets he shot.  Yuffie fought with what looked like large ninja stars to you that she had called shuriken.  She could throw them from a distance or use them to slice through the heartless by her.  Cloud fought with the largest sword you had ever seen.  It was no wonder he was built, having to swing that thing around.  Tifa caught you off guard when she pulled on a pair of armored gloves and used her fists mostly to fight.  One hard punch from her was enough to take care of a heartless.  And then you watched Sora with his keyblade as he cut through a heartless similarly to the way you just had.  You were amazed at the rate the two of you were improving.  The others had been surprised when the two of you had showed them that you already knew the basics from sparring with each other.  It felt natural to you, and you were sure that Sora felt the same way.

With a deep breath, you jumped back into the fray.  You fought wave upon wave of heartless.  Most of them were about your size and looked like soldiers, but some were small, annoying creatures that zipped around in the air and shot at you with fire and every now and then you’d meet with a large, round one that could only be fought from behind, but it liked to charge forward at you and knock you down. You and Sora found that it was best if the two of you fought this one together, one of you distracting it while the other came up behind it.

If the two of you got stuck, one of the others would step in and slay whatever was causing you problems before instructing you on a better way to take it out, or a more skillful attack to work on.  This happened a lot in the beginning, but you found that they had almost stopped stepping in and helping out.  They would occasionally shout from the sidelines, reminding you to widen your stance or set your footing the right way.  It was getting much easier to take out the little monsters, too.

“What time is it?” you heard Yuffie finally call out something unrelated to fighting.

Tifa glanced at her watch, “It’s about three o’clock.”

We worked through lunch!

“Time to call it a day,” Leon said.

 “Yes!” Yuffie cheered.

You all found your way back to the house.  You were starving so you headed straight to the kitchen in the back to make a sandwich.

“Don’t eat too much!” you heard Tifa call after you.  “We’re going out for dinner!”

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