34. See You Soon

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The next few days went by easily. You would help Cid at the university- occasionally dragging another crew member along- have lunch with your Island friends, and end the day by hanging out. It was really nice. Your families readied for your leaving by prepping as many meals as would stay fresh on the ship and having dinner each night to spend time with you or Sora. Because your departure was only loosely planned, you ended staying a little over a week. Cid had argued that he needed a little more time to prepare the team working on the gummi ship at the university for when he would be gone, and your friends argued that you should spend as much time with your family as you could. You had briefly argued that waiting to leave would be exactly what the people controlling the heartless wanted, and that it would be allowing them to get even further ahead of you all. You were told that they could wait a couple more days. You were getting a little anxious about leaving so you stopped arguing.

You didn't really understand your anxiety. When you tried, you decided it must have something to do with this being your choice to leave. The first time there had been no choice. You had been battling for your life and your new friends had saved you. This time you were actively choosing to leave Destiny Islands- still your favorite of the worlds and full of your favorite people. When you got that far you always reminded yourself that it was your responsibility as a keyblade wielder to fight darkness. Besides, you could return when you had the chance for a break.

When it came to your final day on the Island you kept your eyes open for any indication of Tidus' and Wakka's going away party. So far you had heard nothing from the two about what they had planned, which was surprising. Usually it was fairly easy to get them to tell you something, but they kept their lips sealed this time. You were honestly impressed, if not a little worried. You kept picturing a big bash at the end of the cul-de-sac by your house, or a decorated gymnasium full of people. It was lunch already and you hadn't seen any misplaced decorations or heard any whispered plans. You told Sora about your concern and he just laughed. He told you he trusted his friends. You tried to take on his attitude, but it wasn't working.

After lunch, you walked with the girls back to your parents' house.

"I'm just hoping they haven't sent invites to the entire island," you told them as you expressed your concern.

"They wouldn't do that!" Yuffie told you.

"You don't know them," you mumbled quietly.

"Hold on, I wanted to stop at Sora's house," Tifa said. "Leon has something he wanted to show me."

"What is it?" you asked, turning to take the path towards Sora's house instead of cutting straight to your parents' house.

"Just some old research that I wanted to look through," she shrugged.

It was a beautiful day on the Island, the perfect weather for your last day. It was breezy, but not windy. The sun warmed your skin, but it wasn't intense enough to make you sweat just stepping outside. The sky was clear except for a few stray clouds. You took it in for as long as you could before you walked up to Sora's house.

"Let's wait inside," Yuffie suggested.

"Alright." You followed them inside and stood with Yuffie in the foyer.

A moment later Sora came in, looking surprised to see you.

"Oh, hey [Name]," he said. "I thought you were going back to your house."

"Tifa wanted to grab something from Leon."

He hummed and nodded. Taking off his shoes, he stepped further into the house and rounded the corner down the hallway. "Woah."

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