2. Official Meeting

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--Your POV--

You stretched after getting out of the gown "First day down the drain." you said happily before slipping into some black jegging and a faded grey tee with the Marvel logo on it. You slipped on some converse as someone knocked on the door "(Y/N)! You still here?" you smiled "Yeah Soph I'm here come in!" you exclaimed. Sophia hopped in and shut the door "Cool, I caught you before you left." she said then sat down "How'd it go?" she asked.

Sophia and you had met during a meeting a few months ago where you had shown up early and you became fast friends. You grinned wide as you tied your shoes "It went awesome! Everyone was so nice, Kate was really understanding and people were super patient with me." you said, crossing your legs on the seat. She shook her head "We're not 'being patient' we're being respectful." she insisted, making you blush. You have an anxiety disorder that liked to play with your sense of safety quite a bit no matter where you were.

You nodded "Well, either way, it was great!" you said excitedly, she nodded "Yeah, and how was meeting Owen and Tom?" she asked. You bit your lip on the side trying to hide a smile that Sophia spotted right away "Oooo that good?" she asked, making you cover your face with your hands "Ahhhh hush~" you cooed. 

You pulled back, beginning to toy with your nails "It was nice we all met, Tom and Owen seem so nice so far, the rest of my scenes were solo so I didn't get to see them again after today" you said. Sophia sat up "Well actually that's why I wanted to get you, we usually grab a bite on Fridays, did you want to come with us?" she asked. You inhaled sharply "Oh come on, you did so good today! Socially I mean." she said, walking over to you.

She tilted your chin up "You can bail at any time" she said softly, always supportive of your disorder, you shifted your eyes and nodded "Okay, okay... " you said, Sophia poked your nose, making you scrunch up your face before she turned "Mind if I medicate?" you asked. She shook her head "Where we're going the waiters are usually stoned anyway" she said, grabbing your purse and handing it to you. 

You unzipped your bag and grabbed one of your 'medical' gummies, popping a watermelon one in before standing upright "So who is going?" you asked as you followed her out of your trailer. "Just me, you, Owen, and Tom," she said, making you stop "O-Oh... Tom's going?" you asked nervously, she turned to you "Yeah, is that okay?" she asked. You blushed as you locked the door "Yeah it is I'm just... Nervous about the kiss scene tomorrow" you said, making her smile "Why nervous?" she asked as you two walked

"It's my first kiss scene... Also not sure if you noticed but Tom is absolutely ridiculously hot."

She gasped a little "Oh my god what? Does the internet know?!" she said sarcastically, making you smack her arm and laugh hard.

"I understand but doesn't that mean you should meet him all the more?"

"Look, I know you came here with your little facts-" she laughed and grabbed your arm as you walked and grinned.

"Seriously, you're gonna do great just lie back and let Tom charm the pants off you"

You snickered a little remembering Tom was polite but not the charming man you saw in interviews when you met him. He seemed truly caught off guard which was... Oddly relaxing? It humanized him a bit, rather than the god you worshipped him as in college. 

Sophia looked up as you pulled out your phone, checking notifications "Oy boys!" she called "Just text me if you've had enough and I'll drive you back to the hotel" she said, making you nod.

--Tom's POV--

I finished buttoning up my shirt and tucked it into my pants, filming had gone smoothly as usual but my head was elsewhere the whole day. (Y/N) had distracted me that much, it was odd, I was no slouch when it came to pretty women but she had dumbfounded me completely. I couldn't flirt if I wanted to and trust me, I wanted to. After a moment I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys, pocketing them as I stepped outside to meet Owen "Ready for Little Bear?" he asked, I only 'Mm-hmm'd in response as I locked up my trailer. 

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