28. June

239 12 3

You slid the door open for Skoll and Hati to dart out as you frowned "Brats! Both of you!" you exclaimed before turning, they'd made a mess out of the living room, ripped up some of the pillows. You sighed "Guess they're not taking this so well either." you murmured before picking things up, tufts of filling and bits of pillow scattered. You go upstairs for five minutes! You turned hearing your phone ring with Tom's tone and jogged over, answering it eagerly "Darling! Are you doing anything?" he asked, sounding upset.

You arched a brow "Uh no, are you okay?" you asked, throwing out what bit of pillow you had. He huffed "I need a huge favor, do you have a car and are you sober?" he asked, you nodded "Yeah to both." "Okay, I need you to go check on my Mum, you're closer than my sister is and Mum isn't answering the phone" he said. You nodded and looked around "Text me the address I'll send you an ETA and call you when I make contact. Does she know who I am?" you asked as you struggled to put on some shoes. He sighed "I think? I haven't sent a picture in a while, but she should know who you are." you walked to the backdoor and whistled the dogs inside "Okay, I'm gonna head out okay? I'll update you when I can." you said.


An Hour Later


You slammed the door and glanced up, the number on the side of the door matched the address and you were on the right street. This must be it. You pocketed your phone and jogged up to the door, knocking hard and loud.

You waited a moment...

You waited two...

'Give her a bit, she's older.'

You waited three...


You stepped back and watched as the door opened, and the sweetest looking woman with her Son's piercing eyes stepped out with a smile "You're Thomas' girlfriend" she said as you sighed in relief. You smiled back "Y-Yes ma'am, its lovely to finally meet you. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." you said, attempting to offer your hand but the sealed-off screen door prevented that. She smiled "I'm sorry, I'd let you in for a cuppa but-" "-Don't worry, I just came to check on you. Tom says you weren't picking up your phone?" you asked.

She frowned and nodded "My phone is broken and I haven't been able to talk to anyone, or order anything." she explained. You frowned a little "Thats no good... Is there anything I can do to help?" you asked, she smiled and nodded "Actually yes, I would appreciate it if you could run to the phone store and grab me a new one? I can give you my information" she said. You nodded "Of course! Go ahead and grab that while I tell Tom what's going on." you said, she nodded "Thank you, oh, such a sweet girl" she said before walking off. You smiled warmly as you pulled out your phone and redialed Tom who answered instantly

"(Y/N)?! Are you there?"

"I'm here, she's fine. Her phone crapped out and she couldn't talk to anyone."

He sighed in relief and was silent for a minute before he spoke again.

"Thank you so much, darling... Can I talk to her?"

"She'll be back in a second, she went to get her information so I can set her up with a new phone... I should probably get her some food too since I'll be in town."

He was silent then began chuckling a bit as you arched a brow.

"I'm over here panicking and you're already two steps ahead of me, I feel like I can't catch up."

You giggled "I could always go slower" you said as his Mom approached. You pressed the speaker button "He wants to talk to you" you said, she walked up to the screen door as you held the phone out.

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now