38. Too Much

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Your stomach sank 'No? I... I could have sworn he was ready for this...' you thought sadly but you recovered quickly with a nod "I understand, I threw this at you, would you want to wait and consider this at another time? I'm sorry" you said, resting your hand on his. He chuckled and shook his head, setting his wine glass down on the table before he took your hands gently. He caressed them so sweetly, staring at the tops of them "For the record..." he trailed off then looked up "I am so proud of you." he said. You tilted your head as he sat up, resting a hand on your knee "I am proud of you for asking because I know that must have been very hard to do... When did you decide to ask?" he asked. You squeezed his hand, feeling yourself tense up "After we... Uh... In the kitchen?" you whispered, he chuckled "Thats adorable..." he trailed off.

You smiled back, brushing some hair behind your ear "Sorry to jump you with it, this was a bad time entirely, you're exhausted, I'm exhausted, we're exhausted for each other-" he raised his hand, "You didn't... Well, you did, honestly I uh... Well, I made a decision the other day, literally. Yesterday. And you sort of... Surprised me is all." he said honestly. He shifted slightly as you arched a brow "What kind of decision?" you asked, he now knelt on the floor, still resting his hands on yours "I decided that I wasn't going to ask you to go public, I agonized over asking for a while, but I realized I was always ready to call you mine. It was you that wanted to wait. So I decided I'd wait until you were comfortable enough to bring it up." he admitted. You smiled "Thank you" you said, he squeezed your hands in response and took a deep breath "I also decided that when you asked I'd say no and give you an anxiety attack like I just did." he said.

You snickered, still feeling tense, so you took a deep breath in and out with him, he nodded and squeezed your hand, his other going to his pants pocket, digging around.

"And I'd ask you to go public"

He pulled out a small velvet box that took the breath straight from your body

"As my fiance'"

Your mouth hung open as all tension left your body, your entire focus on the ring box he casually held. He rolled his lips through his teeth after a moment of silence, you couldn't bring a reaction out, no thoughts came to your mind, you could only stare. He cleared his throat "It's only now occurring to me that I'm no longer just explaining this to you, I uh... I didn't want to do it like this shit," he said. He sat up, brushing his hair back while you focused on the other "Darling there's no need to answer, because that wasn't me asking, though it eh... It somewhat was, I... Baby?" he asked, waving his hand. Nothing happened. He narrowed his eyes "(Y/N) quit playing." he said, waving his hand closer to your face, dark spots began to fill your vision as small quiet gasps escaped your throat. You weren't in control of your body, nothing moved or responded no matter what you did, your whole body felt heavy.

Then everything went black.

"... 'll be back up any moment now, we can tell her then."

You slowly opened your eyes, wincing as the fluorescent light nearly blinded you "Ugh" you groaned, feeling the painful twang in the back of your head. You blinked a few times to gain sight, spotting a smiling nurse and doctor "There she is" the doctor said gently "Back with us Ms. (L/N)?" she asked. You groaned and nodded "Apparently," you said, going to sit up when the nurse walked over "Easy easy, you fainted." he said, you nodded "I've never done that before... What happened?" you asked. She smiled and cleared her throat "Your boyfriend told us he proposed and you fainted" she said "Technically proposed" the nurse said as he handed you some water.

She nodded "It's a fairly common reaction, especially if the proposee has been drinking." she explained. You rubbed your eyes with a pained laugh "I can't... Believe I fainted he is never gonna let me live that down." you said, sipping the drink "Thank you" you said. The Doctor and Nurse met eyes before she cleared her throat and sat on your bed "Ma'am, may I ask you something?" she asked. You nodded "That is Tom Hiddleston from the marvel movies." you said, the nurse pumped his fist "I knew it! I saw those aquarium pictures last year and I so-called that you were dating-" "-David!" The Doctor exclaimed.

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora