9. Reason

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A soft pressure touching your shoulder stirred you slightly "(Y/N)?... (Y/N)?" you groaned a little "There is no (Y/N) only Zuul" you murmured. Tom chuckled and patted your back "Darling you need to get up, we've got work soon." he said, making you bury your face in the pillow "Mm mmmm mmmmmmm~" you groaned into the pillow. He chuckled "We don't have five more minutes if you want breakfast." he said, but you stayed, hiding a small smile in your pillow.

However, you were jostled awake by Tom beginning to tickle your sides "Come now darling, a king needs his queen!" he exclaimed over your fit of giggles, turning you over to face him "Okay okay! I'm up!" you exclaimed while laughing a bit. He laughed and rested his hands on either side of you as he smiled down at you "Sleep well?" he asked, you nodded "Yes and then a giant came and ransacked my sleep" you said.

He laughed and stood "C'mon," he said, patting your back before walking to the bathroom, you swung your legs over the edge and stood, deciding to just change into your pants really quick "Tom! Do you mind if I wash this shirt and give it back? I don't want to show up in the same clothes as yesterday!" you exclaimed as you slid down the shorts you wore and began sliding on your jeans.

You buttoned them up then turned to hear the bathroom handle "Not at all" he said simply with a smile, but his cheeks were slightly flushed. You bit your lip 'Shit, did he see me changing?' you thought, then looked down and shoved your other clothes into your bookbag, deciding not to push it. You slipped your shoes back on then smiled up at him "Thanks so much again Tom, you have been an absolute dream" you said, he only chuckled "I try" he said then nudged his head being serious about being late. You nodded then walked to the door, resting your hand on his chest for a minute as you passed him "You succeed" you said with a smile before walking out.

The both of you ubered there and make a quick stop for some breakfast that you both unceremoniously inhaled on your way to set. You and Tom jogged inside, heading to your separate trailers after a quick goodbye, you hopped inside your trailer freezing when inside was the hair and make-up girls but also your manager "Alice? Good morning!" you exclaimed. She cleared her throat "I don't like surprises (Y/N), especially so early" she said as she tapped away at her iPad. You bit your lip as you set down your purse "Well I don't see what's so surprising" you said, sitting down for the girls to get to work. Alice sighed and walked over with the tablet held up to show some pictures of you and Tom at the aquarium, some from afar, some from close.

You blinked a little and hugged your stomach not liking that someone was able to snap pictures without your alarms going off "Wait someone took pictures?" you asked, she nodded "(Y/N) I understand you're still new but you can't be naive people are going to take pictures of you because its how they live, you're in the spotlight now kid." she explained as you stared. She handed you the iPad and you began swiping through, they'd gotten quite a few "Anyways I'm not upset that you got your picture taken. Here." she said then swiped past a few more until they got to one of you and Tom by the display on the bench with Tom's face looking centimeters away.

You blushed badly as she cleared her throat "How are you on set for a week and you're already hooking up with people! Are you two dating?" she exclaimed, you shook your head "N-No we just... He just seemed so stressed out so I wanted to take him out somewhere that's it!" you said, face flushed. She held out her hands "Calm down calm down... So you're not dating?" she asked, you shook your head "No, it was just a nice day" you said then looked back at the picture that betrayed your words.

Alice leaned on the counter, tilting her head at you as you stared "Are you sure about that?" she asked, you looked up with a frown "Alice..." you trailed, she held up her hands "Just making sure I know what to tell them!" she said then took the tablet back. You cleared your throat with a blush "Does Tom know?" you asked, she shrugged "I would assume so, he's got a lot of people around him someone's bound to tell him." she explained as she swiped the pictures. Despite being taken from afar by a stranger some of them were really nice, one of them was in front of the whale shark tank, you sat cross-legged on a bench next to Tom staring at the exhibit stoned out of your gourd with a big smile while Tom stared at you.

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now