20. Girl Talk

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Sophia scooted closer, setting down her food "I know and it's going to take some time like you said. A good way to start doing that is valuing what you're worth. You're a human being with her own thoughts and feelings. Remember that." she said, looking at your eyes. You smiled at her and nodded "The first step is figuring out how you feel about what Tom did and expressing it." she said.

You sighed and thought a moment "I'm upset that he did it... But I'm more upset he didn't just try asking me first." you said with a shrug, she nodded, still listening. "And I'm definitely upset with Chris for even saying anything but that also depends on what he told him," you said. You took another bite of your food as she nodded "Thats a good start, you and Tom can talk through the rest later" she said with a smile and a pat on your hand. She went back to eating after and you enjoyed a nice calm lunch.


You crossed your arms "A voiceover for a game?" you asked, making your new Agent Katie nod her head "Yeah, they need something for a villain, you just need to send in a voice-over recording of you reading the lines. They're taking everything over online because of the new Social Distancing stuff." she said. Her image on the computer distorted a bit as she spoke but seemed to catch up "Okay, that sounds cool and I can do it with my foot. Thanks!" you said. She smiled and nodded "Good good! Now I've gotta go, I've got another call. I'll talk to you tomorrow!" she exclaimed. You nodded and waved, ushering your goodbyes before ending the call and leaning back as you pulled up the email she sent you. You opened the doc and looked at the script:

"A farmer comes home one day to find that everything that gives meaning to his life is gone. Crops are burned, animals slaughtered, bodies and broken pieces of his life strewn about. Everything that he loved taken from him - his children. One can only imagine the pit of despair, the hours of Job-like lamentations, the burden of existence. He makes a promise to himself in those dark hours. A life's work erupts from his knotted mind. Years go by. His suffering becomes complicated. One day he stops - the farmer who is no longer a farmer - sees the wreckage he's left in his wake. It is now he who burns, he who slaughters, and he knows in his heart he must pay."

The text was very moving, the instructions said only that the villain may be referring to herself in this message. 'I'm a little curious about this game now...' you trailed off then glanced up hearing the door open "(Y/N)?... Are you here?" Tom called. You looked up "In here!" you exclaimed, a flurry of footsteps followed before Tom showed up in the doorway of the bedroom. He's in the shirt and jeans he left in, with a smile, and some food. But now he wore a ballcap.

You smiled "Welcome back," you said, holding out your hand to him, he walked over and leaned down, kissing your forehead "How was work?" you asked gently. He groaned a little against your forehead making you giggle "That good huh?" you asked, he chuckled against you then pulled back "It actually wasn't that bad, just very sore." he said, sitting on the bed beside you. He held up the bag "Peace offering?" he said, making you blink "I already ate but thank you." you said.

He cleared his throat "This is a cookie dough cheesecake" he said, making you gasp a little "Yes" you said, he nodded as you moved the laptop beside you, he began pulling out the desert. He glanced at your screen before going back to what he was doing "Work?" he asked, you nodded and turned the screen to him "My agent got me a voice-over audition, this is what they want me to read. You'd like it." you said. He handed you your food as he looked at the screen curiously, reading the passage.

After a moment he nodded "Thats nice, do you want to run it with me?" he asked, you nodded back "If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it." you said then set your container to the side. He blinked up at you "Can we talk first?" you asked, he pressed in his lips and nodded, setting his down too. You reached out and took his hand gently "Now... What did Chris tell you?" you asked, he cleared his throat and stroked your hand with his. He thought for a moment then inhaled "He told me about how when Deon was on set when you weren't filming he was on you 24/7, gave you no privacy." he said.

You nodded to him "About how he wouldn't let you come to any sort of party or get together, how he glared at Chris during your and Thor's scenes, and about some of the bruising he'd seen on you before makeup." he explained, hand tightening around yours with every sentence. You bit your lip and looked down, he clearly seemed upset over what Chris said 'Is that why I woke up to him clinging to me this morning?' you thought. He reached over and touched your hand "Mostly just how he was on set" you said, he nodded to confirm. You nodded "Okay... Well all of that was... Unfortunately pretty well known amongst the crew and cast." you said.

Tom pressed in his lips "It still doesn't excuse what I did" he said, you stared at him for a moment before clearing your throat "No. It doesn't." you stated. He nodded and looked up at you, waiting for you to say something "I'm pretty upset. That doesn't mean I don't understand why you did it... But from now on if you're curious about me... Just ask me? I'm not made of glass I can handle some tough questions." you said. Tom nodded and pulled your hand up to his mouth and kissed it softly "Of course. No more going behind your back." he said. You smiled and blushed a bit before he let it go, letting you grab your desert "It's a little awkward to have my boyfriend asking my husband about me." you said.

He chuckled a little then leaned forward to your ear "Well how else am I supposed to steal you away from him?" he asked in his Loki voice. You shivered and smirked deciding to play along "Keep talking in my ear Loki and you won't need to steal me away, I would follow." you teased in Sol's regal voice, making him shudder. You chuckled a little as his head turned beginning to pepper the side of your neck with kisses, you leaned your head to the side. He worked his way back up to your ear "You are a goddess in my eyes" he said, giving you another shiver.

As his hand moved to your waist you moved away the desert and laptop to give you more space on the bed. He continued placing soft petal-like kisses to your throat before separating for a moment to go to the other side of the bed and crawl in so he had room. He positioned himself on your left side, leaning into your ear again as one of his hands rested on your thigh above the blanket. You blushed a little as he seemed to be eager to play "Tom you just got off work aren't you tired?" you asked as he resumed his attack on the opposite side of your neck.

His hat kept brushing your neck so you cleared your throat "Atleast take off your hat~" you cooed. He pulled back with a nod and removed his hat to reveal thick black locks in lieu of his soft reddish curls. You ran your hands through them "Decided to stop dealing with the wig?" you asked, he chuckled and pulled back "Yes, and as much as I'd like to shower I can't until the dye settles." he said. You shrugged "You could always just take a bath." you said, making him smirk at you "Perhaps we could take one together~" he cooed again.

You blushed, never would you imagine someone this sweet and charming was this horny. He chuckled a little at your silence and flush before reaching up and caressing your face "Don't worry I won't push it with the boot. I am going to take a bath though" he said. You nodded then tilted your head, getting an idea, you pulled out a spare hair tie and leaned forward, pushing some of his hair into a hair ponytail and tied it up. You leaned back "That should help," you said with a smile, he nodded and pecked your lips "Thank you," he said before standing.

You nodded and pulled your desert back up, actually starting to eat it as he grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom. As you ate you read up on news and notifications, people were blowing you up to see if you were okay, despite the fact that you tweeted earlier and told everyone you were fine. Once you finished you took Tom's piece and decided to put it in the fridge for him for later, as you limped back into the bedroom the bathroom door opened.

Tom blinked at you then sighed "You should be staying off of that." he said, tying his towel around his waist before helping you back in bed. You hopped back up with a sigh "I just walked to the kitchen" you murmured as you both got under the blanket. He tutted then lowered down onto you again "You need to rest sweet thing" he said, you rolled your eyes "I rested all day, you're the one that needs rest, My King" you said with a wink. He growled a little in his chest, leaning over you as you looked up at you "Be a good girl and call me that again." he said as he leaned down to your neck once more. You bit your lip unable to come up with anything clever to say back but you didn't want to give it to him that easy. He chuckled and began nibbling at your collarbone "Come on~ Be a good girl~" he cooed, reaching a hand to your thigh and gripping it.

You groaned a little and arched back into his warm chest but still bit your lip, silencing any words from coming out. He groaned a little, reaching his hand up to lace his fingers with yours "Are you being bratty tonight?" he asked, making you shiver and smile as he pulled away from kissing your chest. He looked down at you "Are you trying to be a bad girl~?" he said with the Loki voice again, you smiled coyly at him, curling your hands. 

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now