3. Lunch

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The Next Day

You hung out in your trailer for a bit waiting for them to need you again, Tom needed to film a bunch of things first before you had another scene together. You were fine with that personally, you needed some hype as the next scene was going to be way worse on your nerves, luckily it started with you playing the violin, which helped soothe you many times before. You sighed, scrolling through your phone as you looked through the news feed, people were blowing you up about your role in Loki, they knew you were in it and they had burning questions. 

Most about Tom.

Unfortunately due to Disney's lawyers and an agreement you signed you couldn't do anything about it. You smiled at the fanart they tagged you in. This all felt so... Weird still, despite it being years since you began acting. You were a violinist performing at a wedding in Dublin when Tara Feldstein approached you about playing Rory and... Well, someone approaches you about being in a multi-billion dollar movie while you're a struggling musician, are you really going to say no?


You smiled as your Father's name came on the screen and answered

"Hi, Dad!"

"Hey, pumpkin! How's filming going?" His Irish accent was thick and comforting

"It's great Dad! Actually, I'm on set now, about to go film with Tom."


"Yeah, and Owen Wilson! It's so weird being on screen with these people."

"You've been filming for four years now, my little movie star~"

You laughed a bit "Dad, I'm hardly a star, this is my second roll on-screen"

"Well you're my star, and hey, when do you start that horror movie?"

You blushed "Uh... I'm gonna mull that one over, there's a sex scene and I just don't think I'm comfortable with that yet."

"Oo yeah no, sorry, I'm gonna have to say no on that one."

You rolled your eyes as you heard a noise in the background "Is that Papa?"

"Yeah honey, he's rearranging the living room again."

You sighed a little, Papa and Dad could never sit still for a minute without finding some project to do.

You talked to a combination of the two of them for a bit before a TA came and got you.

"Alright Papa, Dad I got to go I'm needed on set"

"Oh okay, Pumpkin has a good time stay safe!" Dad

"Get Tom's number!" Dad said for Papa

You blushed heavily and hung up before sighing "Can't believe them" you murmured before following the person out to the set with your violin. You bit your lip as you spotted Tom again, his hair had been slicked back and he now wore black leather armor, not like his movie one, it was toned down. This was supposed to be a timeline where Loki was brought back from Jotun and was raised as a warrior. 

You couldn't help but eye him up and down as he spoke to Kate about the scene, standing in this lovely indoor garden area that had a small pond and benches. You cleared your throat and took a deep breath in and out before walking over, Kate turned her attention to you and smiled "There you are, ready?" she asked.

You nodded then looked to Tom as his eyes fell on you again "Ready, loyal bodyguard?" you asked, shooting him a smile that he met with his perfect one "Of course, my goddess" he said, bowing formally. Kate nudged you and gave you a thumbs up before going back to her spot "10 for tech adjustments!" someone yelled. 

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now