22. Should Have

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A//N: Thanks so much for 500 reads! (499 technically but... I am a generous god XD)

The next day you woke up sore and alone, it hurt but it was bound to happen with Tom's schedule, you had a doctor's appointment and much to your dismay, the doctor cleared you to fly. You huffed in the back of the uber, you knew the weekend with Tom was going to end soon, but that doesn't mean you were ready for it. When the uber pulled up you pulled your crutches out and tipped the driver before stepping out 'Maybe I can do something for him... More soup?' you thought then smiled and nodded at the idea.

You unlocked the door and stepped in, making your way awkwardly into the apartment, but tripped over some shoes by the door with a yelp. You fell chest first with a groan, you were sore but okay, you looked up hearing footsteps, and spotted Tom coming out of his bedroom. He widened his eyes and ran over murmuring 'sorry sorry sorry' under his breath as he helped you up, you giggled a little "Its fine, really... What are you doing home?" you asked, adjusting in your seat as he picked up what you dropped.

He smiled "Well, when you texted me saying that you were flying out early I sort of... fell ill.. Randomly." he said, shifting his eyes as you smirked "You played hooky on your own project?" you asked. He smirked back and winked before standing "I just told them I needed a day which is not really much of a lie, I do, I'm just choosing to spend it with a beautiful woman." he said. You blushed a little as he walked over, handing you your items as he smiled "So, for your last day in the states what would you like to do?" he asked.

You opened your mouth to say 'let's go out and do something!' but not only with the threat of the paparazzi, but the virus was also still pretty scary. You pressed in your lips and thought a bit before clearing your throat "Can we just... Spend the day inside? Together?" you asked. He nodded and kissed your head "Of course" he said, his face beaming "What did the doctor say?" he asked, looking at your leg "He says I'm clear to fly but I should have another exam when I get home." you said.

You propped up on the crutches and stood fully "I was planning on making you more soup for while I'm gone." you said, he stopped in place "The one you made the other day?" he asked. You giggled as he seemed excited "Yes, I was thinking maybe order the groceries and I'll show you how to make it." you said. He nodded "I'd like that," he said, following behind you as you went to change your clothes into something more appropriate for a day in. A big baggy sweater and panties sound nice. He chuckled as you slipped on the sweater "Did you not pack many skirts?" he asked, you shook your head "The sunflower dress was literally the only one I had." you said.

He nodded as you pulled out your phone, adding the ingredients you needed to a basket, along with some other things you wanted to take home to the UK that you couldn't get there. You handed him the phone "Do you need anything?" you asked, he shook his head "Nope" he said before stepping out. As you finished the transaction he came back, changing into a light sweater and some pajamas, as you examined him from head to toe a thought appeared in your head.

You tilted your head "Hey Tom" you started "I just realized we talked about what I like in bed, but never what you like." you said. He froze for a moment before clearing his throat "No I suppose not... Do you want me to?" he asked, you nodded and hugged him, rubbing his arm "No point in doing this if we aren't both having fun" you said. He chuckled and turned in your hold before wrapping his arms around you "I'll fill it out tonight." he said, you nodded "Good. So dinner is planned, what do you want to do today?" you asked.

He smiled and nudged his head to the living room, walking that direction, you followed on your crutches. You rounded the corner and had to giggle a little at the sight of blankets on the floor with pillows and some snacks with Netflix queued up. You looked at him with a smile before limping over to the floor "Right here, the side with more pillows" he said, helping you lower down. He grabbed your phone, laptop, and purse, putting them on the couch beside you before he sat down "What was that movie you spoke of the other day? Outbreak?" he asked.

You nodded as you went through your purse, pulling out your dab pen before putting the bag back on the couch. The two of you curled into each other as he turned it on, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as the movie began. You offered him your dab pen, he stared at it for a moment as though thinking before huffing "Oh what the hell" he murmured, taking it and inhaling from it. You smirked as he pulled it back and exhaled, staring

"That was... oddly easy."

"You have to hold down the button"


A few hours later and you were both zoned out on the floor watching one of his favorite movies when there was a knock. You jumped which made him jump "Oh right the food," you said then snickered and laughed as Tom did "I completely forgot, here sit, I'll get it." he said, going to stand. He wobbled a bit but stood upright and went to the door, you adjusted and looked at the clock "It's getting late should I start dinner?" you asked, he looked at his phone "I suppose so, especially since we're cooking so much and need to sleep early." he said. You nodded and went to sit up "No no no, stay. I'll help you," he said, you rolled your eyes "I can sit up Tom," you said, moving yourself to the couch. He walked back around, giving you your crutches, and stepped back to give you some space "There you are" he said then grabbed the pen the two of you had been hitting rather heavily along with each of your phones and walking to the kitchen.

You followed behind him to the kitchen, smiling to see he'd brought one of his tall chairs in from the back patio, it had a back and was tall so you could work but rest your foot. You hoisted up into the stool as Tom pulled everything out, you preheated the oven "Would you like me to pull up the recipe on my tablet?" he asked. You shook your head "Recipe's not online, its up here" you said, pointing at your head "It's an old family recipe." you said, he smiled "That explains why it was delicious. An Irish family potato soup recipe" he said with a snicker.

You arched a brow "What's so damn funny?" you asked, "You're such a stereotype" he accused, which surprised you "Redheaded, freckled, Irish woman, speaking Gaelic with a potato soup recipe I would fight a god for" he said, making you laugh. He snickered with you then handed you your pen "Get this away from me" he said, you snickered and shoved it in your cleavage as he glanced over "Oh hang on one more hit" he said. He leaned down to the pen that poked out, taking a hit while it sat there, you blushed feeling the coil heat up on your breasts before he pulled off and began setting everything up as he exhaled through his nose.


You stared at him for a second not understanding why that was so hot before you shook your head "You're one to talk Mr. Charming Shakespeare reciting flirty British bastard" you said, smacking his shoulder. You both laughed a bit as you began making food. 

It was definitely one of your favorite safe moments with Tom, and you had no idea how much you would treasure this moment in the months to come.

You'd cry for not just taking him in the kitchen like you wanted to.

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now