4. Never

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--Two Months Later--

As the day wrapped up it was finally dark out, You stretched finally being out of those golden robes for the rest of production "Thank god" you murmured, zipping up your distressed jeans, pulling your baseball tee down. You groaned as you stretched out your body "Would not be able to do that all the time, don't know how the Asgardians do it" you murmured while grabbing your knapsack and tying up your hair, which was less voluminous and looked more natural now. You huffed and turned off all the lights before stepping out of your trailer, shutting and locking it behind you as you adjusted your bag and began to walk out to the front gate.

As you twiddled with your phone, trying to call an Uber, but for some reason, the only ride you could get was "Sixty bucks for a ten-minute ride?! Uh uh, fuckin' shoelace express it is." you murmured. You walked to the gate, signing yourself out, and began the walk home while listening to your playlist of musicals, right now it was Across the Universe. 

You sighed as you walked, hands beginning to move with the music that flowed through your earbuds as you began to sing with the words, walking around people as you continued down the sidewalk. You aid drummed along with the song, tapping random city items as you walked along "Hey Jude~ Don't let me down~" you sang as you walked.

As you sang, however, after a moment you noticed a black car that had pulled up alongside you and began following you. You gradually started dancing less as a nervous pit grew in your stomach, you bit your lip as you continued walking straight, hoping they'd stop. Eventually, you felt the car wasn't going to stop so you decided to confirm or deny your suspicions, as you reached a crowded restaurant you knelt down, retying your shoelace.

Out of the corner of your eye you watched as the car stopped then carefully parallel parked next to where you were and that did it for you. After retying your shoes you turned and bolted back the direction you came from, the studio gate where you'd be safe. You tried your best to avoid hitting people as you did just trying to get back to the gate, as you were approaching you saw Sophia and Owen step out while chatting. 

He noticed you running first and nudged Sophia who turned and went wide-eyed as you ran up "(Y/N)... (Y/N)! What's wrong?" she asked, catching your shoulders as you panted "Car following me, there was a car, it was following me. I-I ran" you said, hands shaking as you spoke.

Sophia and Owen stood upright, looking around before looking back at you as you tried to control your breathing, your whole body in fight or flight mode. Sophia stroked your arms and pulled you into the gate a bit "It was probably a paparazzi, (Y/N), they do creepy things like that" she said as she brushed stray hairs out of your face. 

You froze then sighed, letting your eyes shut, of course, it was "I'm an idiot" you murmured, shaking your head "You're not an idiot for trusting your instincts and running away, you did good kid" Owen said, patting your shoulder. You shook your head, feeling embarrassed "I'm-I'm so sorry, I'm still... This is all still so new to me." you said with a smile, resting your hand on your forehead.

Sophia calmed you down a bit as Owen kept an eye out for the car but they seemed to leave you alone for now. You smiled at them "Sorry about all that... You guys heading home for the day?" you asked, adjusting your clothes, they shook their heads "Nah, tomorrow is a night shoot since they need to do repairs around the set and we haven't eaten so-" "-Pub?" you asked, and they nodded. You snickered a little, knowing Sophia would want to go to a bar, the stress of filming was a bit for her too "Want to join us?" Owen asked, you shook your head "Oh no I wouldn't want to intrude" you said.

"It wouldn't be an intrusion at all"

You jumped hearing someone talk from the street and turned to see Tom in a car with his head bent so he could talk to you through the passenger window. Sophia nodded "Yeah not at all, and after that, I think a drink is sorely what you need right now," she said, opening up the passenger door for you as Owen got into the back. You smiled a little then nodded "You know what yeah, I could use a pint." you said then got into the car "Thank you m'lady" you said jokingly, Sophie bowed and shut the door before getting in. 

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now