43. Connections

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"Turn to the street!"

"Okay, but the chair is straight ways with the road to my back I don't know what you mean?"

"He wants you to turn to face the street, the sign for your body needs two hands."


"What are you doing?"

Tom turned back to face the inside of the house as Dad turned to you, Papa glanced at both boys before looking over at you. Your arms were crossed over your belly, head tilted, your hair was neatly tied back, and the bottom of your dress shirt just barely met your knees. Tom smiled "Darling!" he exclaimed happily as you sighed "Tom, please don't tell me thats the absurd chair you were talking about the other day." you said. Tom chuckled softly and crossed his arms on the chair "No no, this is the one right under it, so it is in fact not the same chair you asked me not to get." he said.

You walked over slowly "Tom, really I don't need all these bells and whistles." you said, watching as Tom and PAPA maneuvered the chair inside. Dad shrugged, shutting the door after them "Luckily it's a chair and no bells or whistles." he said, you only sighed "I should have asked Chris or Elsa out instead." you murmured. They set down the chair and Tom waved you over "Atleast sit down a minute before we return it for a wooden chair on the side of the road." he said. You reached out, touching the back of the chair, the fabric was soft and it looked like the kind of chair you could sink into for days.

You rounded it and sat down, Tom waited expectantly as you nestled into the comfy chair, you rested your hands on your belly "It is comfortable." you admitted. He nodded, reclining the legs out as you yelped "Tom, I'm in a call." you said, he clicked his fingers "I'll get your laptop, don't move!" he exclaimed while running back. You giggled as Papa and Dad sat down "If that helps, thats the last piece of furniture to move in. The rest of the nursery stuff is in there it just needs to be built." Papa signed. You nodded and sat up with a groan "Thanks again for all your help, we'd probably still be moving in if it was just Tom and me." you murmured.

Dad chuckled "I think you mean Tom, he wouldn't even let you lift a spoon if he could help it." he said. You sighed as Tom sat the laptop down "Ah I see he talked you into a recliner" Alice said with a laugh "More like he just showed up with it... Have to admit it is comfortable." you adjusted the laptop up. She nodded and smiled "I'm glad," she said as Tom kissed your head "I'll get you another water," he said, you nodded and turned back to Alice "So, next week I have you lined up for some voice line work on the Lego Marvel game, and Mr. Favareu wanted to talk to you concerning the next Star Wars show, it's a little hush-hush." he said. You nodded and sighed "Okay, I have some room tomorrow night after the reading." you murmured, taking your planner as Tom handed it to you.

You opened it, trying to work everything into an already packed schedule between recordings, doctors' appointments, and all the moving you were booked solid. No days off until the baby's born essentially. After the meeting, you closed your laptop with a huff and leaned back "I"m gonna go take a bath " you looked at Tom "Mind giving me a hand?" you asked. He nodded and stood from the couch with your Dad and Papa, setting down his book. You stood with a prolonged grunt "I feel like I can't do anything without needing a bath " Tom only chuckled as he walked ahead of you, getting to the door "You're about to pop, thats perfectly natural" he says. You sighed "I know it's natural, but it still sucks, I'm gonna be complaining for a bit." you said, irritated, then sighed "I'm sorry I-" Tom turned, letting you run into his chest "It's okay" he whispers, rubbing your back.

You smiled and nuzzled your face into him, enjoying his scent for a minute before he pulled you to the bathroom "I know it's no mini hot springs like you have" he says, opening the door to the bathroom, it was still big... Well, big enough for two atleast. He rolled up his sleeves, beginning to start the tub as you pulled out your comfiest nightgown and panties, the positive thing about this pregnancy is that you haven't so much as looked at a bra in months. You stripped down, grabbing your clothes, your phone, and a towel. You glanced down seeing it ring, and answered "Hello?"

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