14. Reshoots and Regrets

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Soft kisses on your shoulder stir you before you hear anything, you smiled a little and huffed out your nose a little "Good morning" Tom said softly into your ear. You opened your eyes just barely to see him leaning over you, fully dressed. You groaned a little and glanced at the clock on the dresser-7:00 AM "How dare you" you murmured, earning a laugh "I dare." he said as you turned over to face him.

He brushed some hair out of your face with a smile "I'm sorry but I've got filming this morning" he said "So why am I suffering?" you asked as he knelt down beside the bed with his arms crossed on top of the bed. He smiled and tilted his head at you "Because It's not fair" he said, clearly tired, you giggled a little then reached out and touched his cheek gently. "Tom... About last night..." you trailed off.

He turned his head to kiss your hand "How was it?" he asked, you smiled "I loved it, you were so kind, gentle... I'd never felt more comfortable." you explained. He smiled warmly at you "I'm glad" he said as you sat up, holding the sheet around you, dangling your legs off the bed "I just... I just want to say I understand if you just wanted this to be a one-time thing." you said, looking down.

He squinted his brow and shifted to sit beside you "Is that what you want?" he asked, you sighed a little then shook your head "Well... N-No..." he reached over, making you look at him "It's not what I had in mind either" he said. You blushed a little and laughed "What particularly did you have in mind?" you asked, he cleared his throat "Well if you'll have me I'd like to remedy the first thing you spoke of, if you'd have me." he said. Your face became redder and you pressed your thighs together remembering telling him you've never gotten head and nodded considering what his mouth did to just your neck.

He chuckled a little then took your hand in his "And... I'd definitely love to try dating" he said then sighed "But... With my work, it can be difficult, even more so since you're going home soon." he said. You smiled, placing your hand on his "I understand completely... How about we start off by calling each other at night. Facetime, even if we have work. Kinda like study group? When we can obviously." you said. He smiled and nodded "Not usually how I'd like to do things but... It'd only be for another couple months." he said "Then I'm back in London" you nodded.

He smiled at you "I really want to make this work (Y/N), I like you a lot... Do you mind if I'm the only one you talk to?" he asked, making you blush and nod "You act like there's a line" you said with a laugh. He pulled you to him "There is even if you don't see it, lucky for me I'm first." he said with a smug smile, making you snicker. Tom and you looked over as a phone rang, so he picked it up and answered it, you went wide eyed when you saw the case




You pulled back your hands, covering your mouth with your eyes wide "Tom, that was my phone" you whispered, making him go wide-eyed. Kate was on the other end "Kate! Hi, (Y/N) and I are out at breakfast, she's popped into the bathroom. Everything okay?" he asked smoothly, making you exhale. He blinked then nodded a little then winced and looked at you, making you tilt your head "Yeah I'll let her know and bring her over" he said then nodded and hung up. You blinked as he sighed "You need to come in for a reshoot" he said then smiled cheesily at you, "Okay...?" you said "It's the space pirate scene again" you groaned and laid back dramatically "I hated doing it~ It was scary and they made fun of me~" you said.

He bit his lip "I know I know... Unfortunately, you got to do the bungee again and they want to reshoot the fight scene. But if you come you can hang out on set with me." he said, leaning over you a bit. You looked up with a smirk before you sat up, letting the blanket fall off your chest "What, you're not sick of me yet?" you asked, he eyed you up and down, eyes darkening for a moment before shaking his head, giving you a charming smile "Never" he said, then kissed your hand.

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now