26. April

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A//N: Thanks for 800 reads!

You huffed as you walked in the door-thats right walked, your cast had been off a bit and the doctor gave you the OK to walk more on it and God were you ready. You looked at a big box that had arrived today and smirked "Lets do this" you said then picked up the box and jogged upstairs happily.


Your hands were flush against each other, the side pressing against your lip, resting your chin on your thumbs as you waited for Tom to pick up the video call, hoping he would. The camera turned on to show Tom in the kitchen "Afternoon d-" "I did a thing." you interrupted excitedly. He arched a brow "Okay... What thing?" he asked, you stared for a moment "I require no judgement." you said. He shook his head "You'll receive none." he said genuinely, you stared a moment more then nodded and turned the camera. He squinted his eyes and looked around before he spotted it "Is... That... Is that a stripper pole?" he asked. You turned the camera back "Ugh you hate it right? I put it in my wishlist thinking I'd use it to work out then I had the idea of using it for you and it became more like that and I wasn't sure if you'd even like it and-" "Baby!" you jumped.

He shook his head "Don't hate it, I said nothing of the sort did I?" he asked, you bit your lip and shook your head "No" you whispered. He nodded, holding out his hand "There then." he said then eyed it again "Workouts eh? I suppose this means your doctor gave you the all clear?" He asked. You nodded timidly, fidgeting with your shirt "Do you know how?" You blushed "I've been watching videos for a couple weeks but I've yet to try it." He nodded then smirked "Well show Daddy what you've learned." He said, sending a shiver straight down your spine. You stood up and walked over shyly "I haven't tried it yet" you warned "No time like the present" he said, stirring a pot. You bit your lip shyly and touched the pole "So I sort of..." you walked around it with your hand high up on it then jumped, the pole span in place, taking you with it. You squeezed a little excitedly "Tom I'm doing it!" You exclaimed over his laugh "You are, good job!" He said. You let yourself slide down gently to the floor "Okay let's try..." you trailed then went to hop up again "Ah!" Your hand slipped causing you to fall flat on your bum.

"Are you okay?!"

You laughed heartily "I'm okay!" You managed to say through your fits "That's gonna happen a lot babe, don't worry" you said while standing. He smiled seeing you stand back up "Just be careful, as sexy as this is, your foot just got better." He said. You smiled and walked over, laying on the bed in front of the laptop "I was gonna carve out time tomorrow to practice" you said. He nodded "Don't hurt yourself again." he said, you shook your head then glanced down at your phone as you got a notification 'Your package is one stop away!'.

You rolled your lips to hide a wide grin, then looked at the screen, clearing your throat "Tom baby? Mind getting the door?" you asked. He arched a brow then glanced at the door, setting down the spoon "Watch the soup" he said before walking off screen. You giggled and sat up, crossing your legs, excitedly tapping the bed in front of you as you heard Tom coming back. He walked over to the counter with a massive box "What is this?" he asked, trying to hide the grin "Open it!" you said. He squinted his eyes suspiciously then leaned down, pressing his ear against it then shook it a little "Oh my god, just open it!" you exclaimed, the anticipation killing you. 

He chuckled a little then stood, cutting open the box "Did you get me one too? I do have the time to install it" he teased with a wink. You giggled "You're also a better dancer than I am." you said, he chuckled prying off the bubble wrap, then froze, his mouth hung agape. You bit your lip and laced your hands excitedly "Do you like it?" you asked, "You said you wanted to get back in, I figured since you had time to spare...". Tom laughed a bit, pulling out a black violin case, sliding the box aside, and setting the case in its place, opening the clasps with an adorable eager face.

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now