5. Drunken Almosts

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Tom coughed a little bit, as you'd caught him mid-sip, Owen went wide-eyed, as Sophia did "Wait, never?" Sophia asked seriously. You snickered a little and shook your head "No, I just wanted to mess with you." you said then drank your drink but darted your eyes to the side, it was true, you'd never gotten it... Was it such a big deal? Tom tilted his head at you as you looked away, catching your concerned look. They laughed as Tom cleaned himself up a little "Sorry Tom" you said, handing him more paper towels.

After a few too many rounds you all decided it was a good idea to head out "(Y/N) What hotel are you staying at?"Owen asked as you hummed loudly "Mmm La Quinta" you said, quoting the commercial. Sophia looked up at you "Your agent put you up there?" "I don't have an agent, that's what th-the meeting is tomorrow, member?" you asked as you unwrapped a gummy from your purse. Tom looked over your shoulder "What's that?" he asked with a smile "Oh trust me, Tom, you don't want one of these" you said, popping it in your mouth. He arched a brow at you then leaned on your shoulder "How do you know that?" he asked as you chewed it up "I'm magic" you said, tossing the wrapper in the trash before he could see it.

He smirked a little then walked to the car, opening the car door for you "Thank you good sir" you said while sliding into the side. You placed your purse in your lap with a smile "Thanks for inviting me out, by the way, I'm happy I came." you said as Tom slid in next to you, Sophie sat upfront with Owen. He began driving your wasted asses to your respective hotels "So, how long are you on set for?" Tom asked quietly, he had sunk in his seat with his hands in his lap, his head laid back.

You thought a bit "I think like 2 weeks? I know it's not as long as y'all." you said, he frowned a little "That's a shame," he said. You arched a brow and smiled "Oh? Whys that?" you asked, he shrugged "You seem like a lovely woman I'd like to get to know better." he said. You nodded a little and leaned back, turning your head to look at him "You have my number, you can always call me when I'm in England." you said with a giggle as he grinned and laughed with you. He adjusted so he leaned on the armchair, facing you as you looked at him "Is what you said about you never receiving oral truth?" he asked, leaning on his fist.

You blushed and looked forward to Owen who was trying to drive as Sophie was air-guitaring music drunkenly, hoping they weren't listening. You sighed and looked at him then beckoned him to lean in. He leaned forward as you leaned over to his ear "I um... I don't really fool around so much with people, that TA was the first in years and... Well, you know." you said. 

Tom pulled back, face completely reddened by what you'd said "Really? You're stunning though how?" he asked, you shrugged "I have an anxiety disorder that makes intimacy... Difficult." you said simply. Never in a million years would you have told anyone this, let alone someone you worked with, but you just felt comfortable around Tom, in the past weeks you two seemed to chat it up whenever you were on set with each other, slowly becoming more and more comfortable, he even brought you to lunch a few more times or walked you around set.

He smiled, glancing forward as the two upfront still seemed distracted "Well... Thank you for sharing that with me... I saw your face earlier and knew something was up so I had to check on you." he said. You smiled "Thank you," you said, he only nodded at you before the car came to a stop. You looked up, seeing that you were at the hotel already, that was fast "Thanks Owen" you said then went to get out and stand up when you felt dizzy and nearly fell over, but you grabbed the door to catch yourself. 

Owen stepped out as Tom slid over "You okay?" he asked, you shook your head "I'm-I'm fine, just a little dizzy" you said, trying to adjust your purse but it wouldn't stay still. Tom took your purse and stood "Owen I'm gonna walk her to her room" he said, to which Owen nodded "I'll keep the car running." he said then got back in as Tom began walking you inside. You bit your cheek as Tom rested a hand on your back, the other hand raised and entwined with you 'for grip' you scolded yourself as your flush appeared.

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