42. Story Time

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Eventually, all the police were packed up and gone, they said they were taking them both into custody once cleared by a doctor. You watched the last car drive off from the door with your arms crossed, Tom stood just outside while Dad and Papa were inside "Sweetheart, I'm sorry but we need to sleep." Dad said. You nodded "Its okay, go ahead... Luckily they didn't cause as big a mess." you said, watching the cars leave, Tom looked past you at Papa and Dad, waving at them somewhat as he glanced at you.

Dad sighed "Good night" he said before the two of them left, Tom walked up behind you and shut the door. You squeezed your forearm almost dreading what was coming next "I'm sorry" you whispered, Tom leaned over "What?" he asked. You took a deep breath, a tear rolling down your cheek "I'm-I'm sorry, I didn't think that she'd come to our home and do this I really didn't mean for her to come here, Tom, honest." you said, turning to him. He shushed you, holding your arms "I know you didn't mean... This isn't your fault, (Y/n)" he whispered, pulling you in tightly, rubbing your back.

You sniffled as he shushed you "This had nothing to do with you... This was the actions of a selfish mother harming her own daughter and grandchild." he whispered soothingly. He took a deep breath and rubbed your back, you nodded and followed in his breathing, taking deep breaths in and out. After a moment he pulled back "I need you to understand that I am not going anywhere okay?" he asked, you nodded and bit your lip. He smiled and stroked your cheek with his thumb "I know the little voice in your head is going to lie, tell you I want out, that I'm lying but I'm not... You are quite stuck with me" he said, holding your belly.

You held his hand there with a huff and nodded, he nudged his head "Let's go inside" he whispered, you nodded and followed behind him. He ushers you upstairs carefully "I'm gonna need to cancel more meetings again" you whispered as he chuckled "To be fair, this is a far better excuse than; 'I don't want to'" he said. You snickered while opening the door to the bedroom, you slipped out of your clothes, preferring to sleep naked. He began changing to his boxers, clearing his throat "However, darling... I do have one request" he said, gesturing to the bed, then sat down. You nodded and sat down with him carefully "I think... I think we should move to the city." he said, you tilted your head as he sighed "I know it's a lot to drop right now of all times but its also the best... It took the police thirty minutes to get here and with a baby, I hesitate to think about ambulance times." he explained.

You bit your lip and sighed "Theres still my flat, I'm still renting it and we can move in whenever we'd like... I am going to have it deep cleaned before we go in." he said. You nodded as he took your hand "You're right" you started, brushing your hair back "Right now this is the worst place for me, and... With Dad and Papa being here now is the best time..." you trailed. You turned and looked back "It's just... This is where I imagined being with our kids and the dogs... The nursery" you whispered sadly. Tom scooted closer and wrapped an arm around your shoulder "I know, and it's where I see them too, but right now, especially with them investigating, we should be closer to everything... If anything it would be better on our state of minds work-wise." he said.

 You sighed "True, it was nice when we were staying in London," you said with a shrug, pulling the blankets over your legs, you glanced at the clock and sighed "Do you even want to know what time it is?" you asked. He looked up at you while removing his watch and putting it on the nightstand "Not really" he said then smiled and shifted to lay down, you smiled and curled into him. He sighed happily "If we cancel meetings tomorrow thats fine, but I'd like to see if you can schedule a meeting with your doctor." he said.

You nodded and nuzzled into his chest "I'll call in the morning, just remind me please?" you asked, he nodded in agreement. You leaned up and kissed his jaw "Thank you." you said, he pulled back and arched a brow "For?" he asked, and you cleared your throat "Saving me, you knocked her out before she found us." you said. Tom blinked then leaned his head up, looking forward as he furrowed his brows "Tom?" you rested your hand on his chest. He blinked "I just realized I knocked out your mother." he murmured.

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryWhere stories live. Discover now