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It was the ultimate cliffhanger(literally) Clifford blossom had killed himself. But why? Life's not an Agatha Christie novel. It's a lot messier. Turns out, maple syrup was a front for his true business, transporting heroin from Montreal on his trucks. A narrative quickly emerged.

That Jason blossom had learned about dead old dad's drug running and threatened to expose the truth, which led to Jason's abduction at the hands of a Southside serpent named mustang. And then to Jason's murder at the hands of his father. Clifford killed mustang to cover his tracks, making it look like he'd overdosed. And tried to implicate a rival businessman, Hiram lodge, as having masterminded the whole thing.

And, oh, yeah, we almost forgot. Mr. blossom threatened Jughead Jones life, so that Fp would confess to pulling the trigger, even though all he did was clean up the mess. And he would've gotta away with it, too, if it wasn't for a group of pesky kids who uncovered the truth. even as Clifford blossom, consumed by guilt and shame, took the coward's way out.

Jason's murder had revealed some dark truths none of us were too eager to face. Especially not mayor McCoy, who wanted every last vestige of corruption crushed like a snake under a boot heel.



I ran down the stairs into the kitchen, going straight for the fridge I noticed dad looking out the window. His entire character looked off, not a single muscle moving.

"Dad? You okay?" I questioned, closing the refrigerator door and leaning on the kitchen island. He swiftly turned around, his expression unreadable.

"I though I knew this town." He began, taking in a deep breath. "I bet everything on it. Thought I could cut bait. How are you holding up?"

"I mean, I'm dealing." I sighed, not really knowing what to say. How did I feel? Clifford blossom killed his own kid and we had no idea. We were all so quick to blame the "Southside trash". How do you come back up for air after something like that? How do you move on? He nodded along as if understanding.

"But for Jughead, and for Betty, y/n and Veronica, dad, it's not over. They're still in it, big time."

"We're all still in it." He mumbled. Leaning on the island just as I was. "Up to our necks." I took in a deep sign, letting my tense body relax as much as it could. He grabbed his cup of coffee and began making his was for the front porch as he dose almost every morning but stopped in his tracks and turned on his heel, facing me once again.

"Oh, and by the way. Make her breakfast."

I shot him a look, confusion and worry covering my face. "What-uh- what are you talking about?" I asked, a nervous chuckle rolling off my tongue.

"Come out sweetheart." Dad said facing the living room. Y/n slowly crept from her hiding spot with a deep blush on her cheeks, my shirt hanging off her body, and refusing to look my dad in the eye.

"Morning...Mr. Andrews." She mumbled, fiddling with her fingers. "How did you~"

"Ah...a father always knows." He smiled, now turning to me with a sly smirk.

"For the record dad we didn' know." I informed, y/n blush only getting redder and deeper. Dad chuckled at her reaction and continued to make his way for the door.

"Honestly long as your happy." He laughed, finally leaving the house and shutting the door behind him. I turned to y/n who finally looking up from the floor. She squealed, jumping slightly and running towards me.

"Oh, my god. That was so embarrassing." She groaned in a hushed down, burying her still red face in my chest. I chuckled wrapping my arms tightly around her waist.

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