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What you wearing

What you wearing

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" Y/n. This article will get our pint across and help juggie and his dad." Betty smiled. She had just finished reading the article I wrote for the Blue and Gold.

"Thanks Betty." I mumbled, looking at the floor. "It's not as good as you're making it out to be but...thank you."

"No, y/n. She's right. It's amazing." Polly complemented, putting her hand on my shoulder as her other one ran across her belly.

"We should bring it to mom and dad. Their at the register right now." Betty said, quickly grabbing her coat.

"Wait, Betty wait. I thought this was just for the Blue and Gold?" I questioned. I'm okay with writing something for the Blue and Gold....the HIGH SCHOOL newspaper, but for the whole town?

"No, I wanna use the article to get our point across to the whole town. Do you have other copies?" She asked, handing Polly and I our own coats.

"Yeah, I printed like 5 but I still don't think mom will do this betty." I mumbled. I don't write often so mom and dad have never really had any reason to praise me but when I do's good.

"Y/ me."


Worry....suspense. You name it. I was feeling it all as mom and dad sat in silence reading my article. Finishing first mom set the paper down, looking up at me.

"It's the best thing you've ever written. It's passionate, it's compelling. But~"

"But you won't publish it." I sighed, ignoring dads proud smile. I knew this would happen. "Why not?"

"You're too involved. Both of you." Mom said, looking between Betty and I. "People are gonna think you wrote it as a favour to your boyfriend and best friends dad."

"First off, Jughead and I are not longer together mom, you know this." Betty began. "And we're doing this because it's the truth."

"It's one version of the truth honey."

"Oh, my god. Mom."!I groaned, standing from my seat. "You're just as bad as mayor McCoy. We're just as bad as this whole town."

"The other reason we don't want you publishing this anywhere is there's been reports of attacks on the southside." Mom explained.


"Y/n, people, not just the police, are going after the serpents. The whole town agrees with mayor McCoy. Crime is spreading." Dad said. Betty and I shared a quick look before turning our attention back towards our parents.

"There's really anger out there, y/n. And they're needing to focus it somewhere. Right now, it's the serpents. And we don't want you suddenly becoming a target."


"Why have you been avoiding me!"

"Jeez! Keep it down!" Jughead sighed, tossing his burger back on his tray. "I haven't been avoiding you."

"Oh really?" I questioned slamming my own tray on the table. "Because it seems like you've been going out of your way to not be near me and deliberately not telling me things."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, proving my point by not being the tiniest bit interested in the conversation.

"Okay let's recap. for starters yesterday in the hall when you say me your practically ran down the hall not before leaving your locker open. Oh and don't get me started about having to find out from ARCHIE that you might have to switch schools because you're being adopted!" I screeched. Hurt. Hurt was all that I felt. For as long as I could remember juggie has always told me everything and I was always the first to know. But now suddenly he's cutting me out of his life.

"Yeah, we'll it wasn't his to tell you. I didn't want you to know. And frankly the reason I ran from you was because I didn't feel like listening to you gush about your new relationship with Archie." He said rolling his eyes and returning to his meal.

"This has nothing to do with Archie. This has to do with the fact that you're cutting me out of your life." I mumbled.

"What?" He questioned finally giving me his complete attention. "You think I'm cutting you out of my life."

"Yeah well you didn't help by hurting me." sighed, picking up my tray and walking away.

"Hey bae you okay?" Veronica asked as I walked by her. Ignoring her I threw my lunch in the garbage and left the cafeteria, wiping the tears falling from my swollen eyes.

"Y/n." Betty stopped me, grabbing by shoulder.

"What Betty?" I asked, not in the mood to help her solve another Nancy drew mystery.

"It's your locker." Polly mumbled, grabbing my arm and pulling me away. Pushing threw the swarm of other students who were gathered around I stopped dead in my track and the sight of copies of my article plastered, red paint and a doll all stuck to my locker. If I want crying before I sure was now.

Go to hell serpent slut!

"Maybe mom was right. We're too involved." Betty whispered in my ear, rubbing my back in comfort.

"Y/n." Archie said as he grabbed my hand as him, Veronica, Kevin, and Jughead made their way through the crowd.

"Y/n/n." Jughead muttered, standing in front of the locker. I quickly moved forward reaching for the red covered pages as Jughead held me back.

"Y/n/n. Hey, Hey, Hey." He pulled me away, using his thumbs to wipe the tears from under my eyes.

"No, it's nothing. It's just a jerk with a can of spray paint." I insisted. I continued to try and break jugheads hold on me until he quickly put both hands on my cheeks, looking me in the eyes.

"I don't think that's spray paint."

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