Becoming Friends

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Charlie Dalton: After knowing him for so long it was bound to happen, being his friend came with hardships, his flirtatious ways and his mannerisms. You didn't like him but every now and then your heart what flutter at one of his stupid flirty jokes. "Shut up Charlie."

Gerard Pitts: It seems you were the only girl he would ever talk to, he was a tad bit shy already. But knowing that he considered you a friend was great for you. Your heart would flutter when you would hear him speak, you helped him greatly with his grades and for that he owed you so much.

Knox Overstreet: Over and over again Knox would sneak out from his school to see Chris at her school. "You won't change her mind." You stated to Knox when he arrived at your parents house. He just didn't understand that Chris was happy with some douchebag jock from school. "Help me please!" He begged as you shrugged your shoulders. "What's in it for me?" You asked as he groaned and rolled his eyes. "$2.89?" You thought for a second then reluctantly nodded.

Neil Perry: "Hey Neil!" You said at one of the rehearsals which scared him slightly. "Hey (Y/n), what's up?" He smiled as you sat next to him. He played lead boy and you played lead girl. "Let's rehearse our lines for a little, I'm getting nervous." You chuckled as you two went over lines and actions.

Steven Meeks: You would Consider Steven Meeks one of your greatest friends. He didn't just want to be around you because you were smart (and at a good price would do people homework) but because he actually liked being around you. Which surprised you that someone didn't just want to be your friend because of your smart and cleverness but because they actually liked being around you.

Todd Anderson: "(Y/n) I'm off to the library, come with me." Neil smiled as you closed your book that you had in hand. "Oh, alright. I need some studying anyways." You smiled as you followed your brother up the steps and into the library where his friends were. Except Todd, he was at a different table further from the rest of Neils friends. You walked up to him, smiled, then sat across from him as you set your book down.

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