Cheater (Neil Perry x fem!Reader)

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It was one mistake that changed the rest of your life. It was something you were unable to ever forgive yourself for.

Neil was just never the same after it, he used to be so bright and cheerful and now he only frowned. You'll never be able to forgive yourself for being the reason behind his sadness.

You never meant for it to happen, you didn't want things to turn out the way they did, you didn't want it.

But what happened? It was a party, one stupid party at your friend Chris' party. Her, now ex, boyfriend used to throw many parties when his parents were out of town.

You were siting alone as Chris was occupied with a "friend" of hers. That's when a boy about your age approached you.

He was tall with dark hair and a very in style haircut nothing extreme and nothing eye catching.

But the more you spent with him the more relaxed you got. You stopped being nervous and thought he was being friendly.

But you were mistaken when he started being flirty, you didn't pick up on it at first. You thought he was just trying to be funny.

But something about him hypnotized you, something about the way his lips moved. The way he was so carefree and how he was able to just be himself.

He leaned forward and you just allowed it as his lips met yours.

It felt wrong, you knew it was wrong, you loved Neil after all he was the one. But his kiss just felt so right, you didn't pull away you didn't attempt to stop the kiss.

"(Y/n)?" You heard snapping you out of this fantasy world. You turned only to see Neil and Charlie. Charlie's mouth was wide in shock as tears began to form in Neil's eyes.

"Neil? What are you doing here?" You asked as your stomach dropped. You pushed the boy away from you as you faced Neil.

"I wanted to surprise you as we haven't seen each other in three days due to my busy schedule," he frowned looking at Charlie.

"But, we see you're busy shoving your tongue down somebody else's throat." Charlie mumbled.

"Neil, I can explain," you said grabbing Neil's hand.

"Explain?" Neil scoffed, "explain why you chose to shove your throat someone's throat while being with me?"

"I-... Neil-... Wait-!" You stuttered truing to find words or some sort of justification for your actions.

"Save it , (L/n), save it for someone who actually cares. We are done. Over. Finito." He said avoiding your eyes as he walked away.

"I expected this from everyone but you, what happened?" Charlie shook his head walking behind Neil.

You stood frozen there as your heart broke into small little pieces. You loved Neil, you adored him. But why did you do it? You were bored and lonely and Neil had been busy and you just needed to feel loved.

"What happened?" You heard Chris ask as she laid a hand on your shoulder. You just began to sob as you grabbed your coat and walked back to Welton.

Chris followed behind you, although she didn't go to Welton she could at least comfort you on your way there.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Chris whispered as you made it to the gates.

"I kissed someone, someone who wasn't Neil..." You finally spoke as you sobbed.

"Oh no..." Chris whispered hugging you as you sobbed.

"I'm an idiot, I love Neil... Why did I do it?" You whispered onto her shoulder.

"Sometimes we can't explain our actions, cheating and betray..." Chris said trying her best to comfort you.

But how do you comfort someone when you know what they did was bad? Not even Chris was able to justify your actions.

All you knew was that you wouldn't be able to forgive yourself for betraying Neil like this.

Neil had been nothing but great and kind with you, he didn't deserve this treatment. You will never be the same after this and you know Neil would never be the same.

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