Texting Each Other

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Charlie Dalton: How You Have him Saved On Your Phone: Nuwanda 😮‍💨

Nuwanda 😮‍💨: Heyyyy gorgeous 😏
What's up Charles?
Nuwanda 😮‍💨: Why so formal?
No reason, what's up?
Nuwanda 😮‍💨: I learned this new dance move, wanna see?
Is it... safe?
Nuwanda 😮‍💨: Well I don't know Jackie, want to see it anyways?
You gotta stop watching that show
Nuwanda 😮‍💨: Okay, but no. Here, watch me go!

Gerard Pitts: How you have him saved on your phone: Giant 🧍🏻

Giant 🧍🏻: Good morning love <3 :)
Morning big guy
Giant 🧍🏻: I'm 6 feet, I'm not a giant
Suuuure, what's up.
Giant 🧍🏻: Anyways 🙄, how was your sleep?
It could've been better. Do your blankets cover your toes?
Giant 🧍🏻: Honey!!! I'm only 6ft!!! I'm not that tall of course they cover me!!
Hey!! I'm just checking!! As an average sized person I never have to worry!
Giant 🧍🏻: Thanks for rubbing it in 😐

Knox Overstreet: How you have him saved on your phone: Romeo

Romeo: Morning! Want to go on an adventure?
If by adventure you mean getting lost in the woods again then yes. I'd love to.
Romeo: That's the spirit! I'll come get you, be ready! <3
You're crazy. I'll bring water just in case we're stuck their for an hour again.
Romeo: Don't be dramatic, it was once and your parents found us :)!
Yeah! And they weren't very happy about it Knox!
Romeo: But did we die?
Knox!!! That's not the point!!

Neil Perry: How you have him saved on your phone: Puck 👑

Puck 👑: I'm stuck on question 3. BTW did you start rehearsing?
Morning to you too Neil, and yes I did start rehearsing and I'm not doing math <3!
Puck 👑: But you're so good at it!! You should help me, I'm in pieces!!
Oh Puck, I could be asleep or you know conversing with my family. Instead I'm helping with math...
Puck 👑: You're so dramatic. FT me <3!
Oh if I only didn't adore you so much...

Steven Meeks: How you have him saved on your phone: Meeksy 👓

Meeksy 👓: Did you hear that?
Yes, it was the cucuy 😏
Meeksy 👓: Shut up! That thing doesn't exist...
Oh but it does! He pulled my feet once when I was a kid!
Meeksy 👓: You're not a very fun person to text with at a time of fear!!
You literally roommate Meeks! If your legs get pulled Pitts will be there!
Meeksy 👓: Very comforting 😐. I'm going to wake him up.
Oh yes have fun, don't get out of bed or you may be pulled to the under world. good night <3!
Meeksy 👓: No!! Stay awake!! Just in case!!
Oh the things I do because I adore you 🙄

Todd Anderson: How you have him saved on your phone: Walt Whitman <3

Walt Whitman <3: I think I left my poetry book in your room. Can you not go through it?
Is it the red notebook?
Walt Whitman <3: Yeah :^)
Oops, should've told me earlier. Already read it.
Walt Whitman <3: Burn the book and erase it from your memory :^)
Dear, don't you think that's a bit extreme...
Walt Whitman <3: A good poetry writer never lets their work be seen by anyone.
Well, good thing I was joking... I didn't read it, in fact you didn't even leave it in the room..
Walt Whitman <3: Lies. Burn the book
Walt Whitman <3: Wait... NVM I just found the book...
🧍 Yeah, Why would you ever doubt me 🙄

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