(headcannon) Their love language

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Charlie Dalton: Gift giving + Words of affirmation
• Charlie loves giving gifts because that was a way his parents showed him love growing up.
• He'll tell you on a daily how much you mean to him.
• He once gifted you a $10,000 ring, you were very hesitant to accept it.
• He often gifts you small things like teddy bears or snacks.

Chris Noel: Physical touch + Gift giving
• Chris loves hugs, holding hands, and knowing you're by her side.
• She likes to gift you small things that remind her of you.
• She adores holding your hand and once gifted you lotion so her hands smell like yours.
• Once when walking around in a target she bought you a $30.99 stuffed animal you said was cute.

Gerard Pitts: Gift giving + Quality time
• Gerard spent so much time with you because he never got that growing up.
• Anytime you two were out he never missed buying you a stuffed animal that you liked.
• He once bought you a $30 vinyl you saw at a record shop.
• Half the vinyls/CDs you owned were thanks to Pitts.

Knox Overstreet: Physical tough + Words of Affirmation
• Knox loved hugging you and sometimes would hug you until he fell asleep, even when you were doing homework.
• As a romantic Knox would tell you all the amazing things about you.
• Knox felt weird when you weren't cuddled in his arms.
• He dedicated you a song that he wrote with the help of Charlie.

Neil Perry: Quality time + Acts of service
• Growing up the way his father would show him love was by doing stuff for him.
• Neil did a whole bunch of stuff with you which also meant quality time.
• He often massaged your hands and talked to you about all the amazing things he did that day.
• He enjoyed doing small things for you, like carrying your book bag or helping you with homework.

Steven Meeks: Gift giving + Quality time
• Doing anything with you meant the world to Meeks.
• Meeks likes to hand make stuff for you wether it be bracelets or rings.
• He loved spending time under your favorite tree watching the stars or the sun setting.
• He sometimes bought very expensive things for you for funzies.

Todd Anderson: Acts of Service + Words of affirmation
• Todd was very isolated as a kid so his love language was acts of service because that was the only way his parents noticed him.
• Todd reminds you on a daily about how much you mean to him and how much he adores you.
• He'll do anything for you and he shows that.
• Because Todd was so lonely as a kid he made sure you never feel left out and always included in everything.

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