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In Love
neil x todd
i love this idea so much!!

Welton Academy, an all boys school, the school the wealthy send their sons. Todd Anderson's oldest brother was the valedictorian of his class and so Todd was already put into a high pedestal. The amount of hardships Todd had to go through just to get where he is now.

All with the help of his dearest friend, Neil Perry. To describe their friendship would be simple, they aren't just friends. Todd had a secret he wouldn't dare tell his parents. He is gay, he loves boys and has always loved him.

It was something he still had troubles accepting in its self. But with the help of Neil, his first love.

But Neil wanted more, he wanted more from this friendship. Unlike Todd, Neil was unfortunately out to his family. Unfortunately only because his dad was homophobic but that was to be expected.

Neil wanted to tell the whole word he was in love with Todd. He wanted to tell all his friends that he had a boyfriend. But Todd just wasn't ready for that step, he wasn't out to anyone and never wanted to be.

"When are you telling your parents?" Neil asked Todd as they laid on the same bed, the only light was the moon.

"I don't know Neil..." Todd whispered sadly. Todd understood where Neil was coming from, Neil was proud of who he was.

"Todd, we talked about this! You said you were going to tell them!" Neil exclaimed. Todd had promised Neil he was going to tell them.

"Neil! Please understand! It isn't easy!" Todd shouted back. Neil stood from the bed facing the window.

"It wasn't easy for me to tell my parents but with the strength of us I did it!" Neil whisper shouted back.

"Neil! Please! Give me time! I'll tell them eventually. I just need you by my side right now..." Todd mumbled back facing the wall as Neil faced the window.

"Todd, I love you. I adore you with everything in me. But I can't be with you if you're ashamed of me. Of us." Neil whispered back as he climbed onto his own bed.

"Neil, please?" Todd whispered but Neil didn't respond. All Todd could hear were Neil's soft cries, Todd's heart ached badly that night.

The next morning Todd and Neil had a long discussion about them, about their relationship.

"Todd. You know I love you. But I can't be with you if you're ashamed of us." Neil said as the wind blew on his hair.

They were at their favorite spot at Welton, it was a spot near a river under a tree. It was autumn, the leaves were a different color and it was cold.

"I'm not ashamed of us Neil, I'm proud of being with you." Todd said back as he looked into Neil eyes.

"Then why won't you tell your parents? Why can't we tell our friends?" Neil said back looking away from Todd.

"I'm scared Neil, I'm scared of what they'll say. I'm scared they'll kick me out..." Todd whispered back still looking at Neil.

Neil sighed as he closed his eyes, "I'm sorry Todd..."

"Neil..." Todd whispered back. Neil stood up tears falling from his eyes.

"I just can't be with you. I hope one day you accept yourself," Neil mumbled before walking away from Todd.

Todd sat there, at their favorite spot. The spot where they had their first kiss, the place where they said their first "I love you" was also now the place they said their last good bye.

Todd couldn't help but cry, he wanted to chase after Neil and tell him and the world just how much he loved him. But deep in his heart he knew he wasn't ready for the world to know, he was ready to let Neil go. Neil deserved someone who was proud of being with him, someone who could make him truly happy.

7 years has passed since that day, Todd cut all communications with Neil since then. Neil deserved to move on and that's exactly what Neil did.

After Welton Neil went abroad to London with Mr. Keating who helped start up his life in London. He went to a good school and became exactly what he wanted to be, an actor.

Todd on the other hand continued to do just as his father told him to do. He went to Harvard and became a lawyer. Not until he was 23 did Todd stand up for what he wanted, confessing to everything.

"I'm gay dad!" Todd shouted as he grabbed his packed luggage.

"No you're not!" His father shouted.

"Yes I am! And I'm going to find the man I LOVE!" Todd shouted slamming the door closed as he threw everything into his small car and to the airport where he boarded a plane to London.

He stayed in contact with Mr. Keating who told Todd where Neil was staying.

Dear Todd,
Neil is alright, he is happy and content with his life here in London. You shouldn't come here, it's not a good time.

Todd ignored Mr. Keating's request as he looked at the sky, it was going to be a long trip but worth it for his one and true love.

The plane landed as he got i to a cab to the direction of Neil's favorite coffee shop, according to Mr. Keating.

There he saw Neil, sitting alone drinking some coffee.

"Neil?" Todd called out. Neil looked up and a smile raised to his face as he quickly stood up and walked towards Todd.

"Todd! What are you doing here?" Neil laughed bringing Todd in for a tight hug.

"I came here to tell you something, something I should've told you a long, long time ago," Todd smiled holding onto Neil's hands.

"Babe?" A voice said from behind Neil causing Todd to let go of Neil's hands.

"Chris! This is Todd." Neil introduced.

"Hello Todd, I'm Chris. Neil's boyfriend," he said shaking Todd's hand.

"Boyfriend?" Todd mumbled astonished.

"Yes, we met at school, he is a Math major, I know, a math major and an acting major?" Neil laughed.

"Oh," was all Todd could say. His heart was broken, no wonder Mr. Keating didn't want Todd to go.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Neil smiled but Todd shook his head.

"Never mind that, I'm happy that you got your happily ever after like you deserved." Todd smiled holding back his tears.

"Thanks," Neil smiled.

"Well, we must hurry up. Remember we are going over to my family's house." Neil's boyfriend said before walking away.

"Will I be seeing you later? Maybe you can come over and we can catch up?" Neil asked hopefulness in his voice.

"Um, I can check my schedule I'm going to tour Europe so I don't know how long I'll be here for..." Todd replied back. A soft frown appeared on Neil's face.

"Alright, here is my number, let me know if you can hangout." Neil smiled before walking towards Chris.

Todd couldn't help but turn away, letting tears fall from his eyes as the thought of Neil being with someone else clouded his vision.

He was too late, the only person he loved was now in the arms of someone else. Worst of all, he was happy with him. Happier then when he was with him, there was genuine happiness in Neil's expression.

He walked out the coffee shop as he walked, his luggage in his hands as he regretted all of his life decisions. If only he had told Neil how in love he was with him when they were 17. If only Todd had been proud of himself like Neil was with himself.

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