Neil Perry/Fem!Reader

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Request from Tumblr.
Hello !! First I hope you're doing okay and you're having a wonderful day ! I wanted know if it's possible to request a oneshot with Neil Perry ! Like their first big argument and good old angst about him forgetting a date to go hang out with his friends or whatever you want 🤭!! but with happy ending because I love him way too much !! Thank youuu and have a wonderful day again !

You waited, dressed and ready to go. Neil promised, he said he would be there by 9 pm so that you could make it to your reservation. It's 10:30pm now with no sight of him. You decided to call his number again to see if he would answer.

The person you're trying to reach isn't available, to leave a voicemail wait for the beep. Beep...

"Hey Neil, it's (Y/n) again. Just wondering when you'll be back? Return my calls when you're able to..." You whispered the last part before hanging up. You turned your phone off, your heart sinking as tears began to form in your eyes.

Neil wasn't the type to just forget about you or a date or a commitment just in general. What if he was kidnapped? Mugged? Robbed? Shot? So many thoughts ran through your mind. You began to hyperventilate, you got up and began to pace around your apartments kitchen.

"Please answer," you mumbled looking at your phone.

12am rolled around and you decided to call again. Maybe he was caught up at work and his boss was being an ass.

"Hello?" Finally, Neil answered.

"Hey, where have you been?" You mumbled. You felt your body relax at the sound of his voice.

"I'm hanging with Charlie. He thought it would be a great idea to come to the bar for a couple of drinks. Why?" He asked. The feeling of worry vanished and was replaced with disappointment and anger.

"Goodnight." Was all you mustered up. You hung up and walked to your bedroom.

A bar? Drinks? Charlie Dalton? You weren't mad about the date. It could have always been rescheduled. You weren't the kind to stop Neil from hanging with his friends. But, to miss all your calls? To ignore you to drink with his friends? All he had to do was call you and ask to change the date! You didn't care!

You undressed yourself and put on your nightgown. You took your make up off and did your face routine. You did it all with furry. Your heart was racing and your hands were shaking. Tears in your eyes you laid in bed. You checked your phone to see no new messages. You scoffed and fell asleep.

The next morning rolled around as you began to get ready for work. For a brief moment you forgot about it. That's until you received a phone call from him. You decided to ignore him. You didn't want to start the day off on the wrong foot. You opened up your door and began walking to work.

The busy streets of Chicago gave you a peaceful vibe. People hated the noise of the city but you loved it. You were from a small town in Virginia and Chicago was such a different vibe from there.  You clocked in and turned your phone off. You wanted no distractions, no messages, nothing.

You walked out of work and to your apartment. Walking from the elevator you saw Neil Perry holding a bouquet of roses. You scoffed and walked towards him.

"You weren't picking up my calls so I decided to see you..." He said but you ignored him. You unlocked the door and slammed it in his face. He knocked on your door but you ignored it.

"Is everything okay?!" He shouted knocking on the door. You grumpily walked to the door and opened it. "I'm going to take that as a no..."

"Yeah Neil, I'm not very happy with you right now," you scoffed not allowing him inside the apartment.

"What did I do?" He asked and you rolled your eyes.

"Not only did you have me worried but you also ditched me to hang out with your friends," you explained and the realization dawned on him.

"I thought I was missing something, I swear I'll make it up to you," he begged but you shook your head.

"It wasn't about the date Neil, I don't care about it. I care that I was here, crying and worried! I thought you were injured, I thought someone had mugged you and left you to die! Do you ever understand how scared I was? I left you hundreds of messages! A 'I'm fine' or a 'I'm out with my friends' would have been great! But no you decided to not answer me!" You shouted with tears in your eyes. Your voice was shaky, "I wouldn't have forgiven myself if you had died Neil, but you didn't have a care in the world!"

He stood there, his heart aching.

"I didn't know... Charlie took my phone and I was out with my friends. You know I haven't seen them in years." He said attempting to defend himself.

"This is pointless Neil. I just, I just don't want to see you right now. I'm angry and disappointed. Your lack of empathy is sickening right now. I want to be alone," you said slamming the door in his face. You leaned on your door and began to sob. The feelings coming all at once like a wrecking ball. It was like he didn't understand how it felt to be up all night waiting for someone to answer you.

You woke up the next morning. Luckily for you it was your day off. You laid in bed with your favorite candy and confort show on. Your phone was on your nightstand charging. You sobbed every few seconds. You hated arguing with Neil, growing up your parents were verbally abusive towards each other. Arguing and yelling was the thing you always tried to not do.

You heard a knock on the door. Maybe you could pretend not to be home.

"I know your home," you heard from the other side. Neil. You sighed and got up. You walked to the door and opened it.

"Before you start talking hear me out, please." He said and you sighed. "I realize how big of an asshole move that was. I didn't want to worry you or ditch you or cause you any harm. I had a rough day at work and well I need to blow out some steam and Charlie offered to take me to a bar and grab some drinks while the guys were in town. I forgot about our plans and while I was going to check my phone Charlie took it out of my hands. I didn't purposely ignore you and the second I got it back I answered you. It wasn't my intention to ignore you and I will be having a chat with Charlie about not taking my phone. Please forgive me..." He stopped and looked at you. Tears were falling from your eyes as you brought him in for a hug.

"I don't like arguing with you Neil. I was just so worried yesterday. My mind doesn't work like everyone else's. My mind doesn't go to 'he is probably still at work' I instantly think you're being murdered or something..." You cried, your face nuzzled on his neck as he hugged you tightly.

"I promise it will never ever happen again, I swear it." He whispered not daring to let you go.
A/n: Hey!! I'm going to start doing all requests now just so I can get some stuff out! Requests are temporarily CLOSED!!

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