Taking care of a pet together!

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Charlie Dalton: Cat
Charlie was always insistent that he wasn't a cat person, he swore he disliked them so much. That's until you found a small kitten in a box on your way home from work and as a true cat person you took her in. You absolutely could NOT leave the poor kitten by herself. Charlie would be the one to do the absolute most for her. She couldn't get down from a bookcase? Don't worry Charlie to the rescue. She wanted specific treats? Charlie was already at the pet store for them.

Chris Noel: Dog
Chris wasn't the biggest fan of dogs, she grew up mostly with cats. You on the other hand loved dogs and would do anything for your dogs. Chris went over to dog sit with you while your parents were away and absolutely fell in love with the dogs. She even planned to adopt a dog once you two were done taking care of the little one.

Gerard Pitts: Bunny (2)
Gerard and you wanted to adopt and raise an animal together. You two weren't sure which one but then decided a bunny would be the best fit for you two. Considering your schedules for school and work are packed. Taking care of two bunnies was hard, they need attention constantly. But you two made it, the bunnies were sweethearts.

Knox Overstreet: Parrot
Knox always wanted a parrot because he'd see them on TV. But you as a huge animal lover wanted to educate Knox on birds and parrots first. After the long and heavily researched explanation about their diets, grooming and bird cages and activity you two felt ready to get one. He loved his parrot and fed him and took care of him like a child

Neil Perry: Cat
You were never a fan of animals, you didn't like taking care of them. But Neil really wanted a cat or a dog or anything. He never grew up with pets because of how strict and mean his dad was. So you agreed to have a cat because they were sort of low maintenance. You quickly fell in love with the absolute beauty of a cat Neil chose.

Richard Cameron: Snake
Cameron didn't like snakes, in fact he was sort of afraid of them. You on the other hand were a huge fan and admirer of snakes. You grew up reading and constantly learning about snakes and what they eat. Getting a snake took lots of convincing and preparations. In the end Cameron relaxed to the snake and learned that it wasn't going to eat him in his sleep.

Steven Meeks: Rat
You weren't so sure why you and Meeks chose to get a rat of all things. They have a short life span and you weren't so sure about it. But Meeks convinced you that it wouldn't be awful to get one. With research and preparation you got the small fat rat. He mostly took care of the baby while you bought all the necessary stuff for him.

Todd Anderson: Chinchilla
Ever since Todd was a small kid he wanted a chinchilla. He always thought of them as beautiful and adorable. When you two get one it was much harder then expected. With the food and what food and the taking car of it. He was a good Chinchilla dad though.

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