You Join His Secret Society

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Charlie Dalton: Charlie always invited you to join the Dead Poets Society, you said you'd join their next meeting but always had something come up. This night you made sure you had made no promises and that you were cleared. You sneaked out and into the cave where the meetings were held you went.

Gerard Pitts: Gerard kept the Dead Poets Society a secret until he knew the guys wouldn't mind you knowing. He invited you to one of the meetings and of course you said yes.

Knox Overstreet: Knox hesitated in telling you about the Dead Poets. He was scared you'd make fun of him for it. But once he told you about it you were intrigued and wanted to go to at least one meeting. Knox invited you to one and you went, you were unprepared but were in the drama club your freshman year of high school so you knew some improv.

Neil Perry: Neil being the "leader" of the society quickly invited you to be apart of it once he asked you to be his girlfriend. Gladly you went, of course you and Neil being fans of acting rehearsed a whole play for the Dead Poets.

Steven Meeks: Steven didn't want to tell you about it but when Todd slipped up and accidentally revealed it you were intrigued. "Why hadn't you told me before?" You asked Meeks who only shrugged and blushed a light pink. "Didn't want you to laugh, it's really dumb. All we do is read poetry." He confessed to which you rolled your eyes to. "I would never make fun of you for something you love. Besides poetry is great, let me go to one of your meetings!"

Todd Anderson: Being Neil's sister meant that you were practically already part of the society. You and Neil loved to make small plays every once in a while for the Dead Poets. Who applauded you and Neils performance. You once tried to convince Todd to participate but he said no to it, and you won't push him to do something he didn't want to do.

Neil, Knox, Gerard, Charlie
You escaped from your room/school and into the dark night you went. You followed the directions they had given you to the cave where their meetings were held.

"Hey!" You waved once you entered the cave a huge smile on your face as the boys turned and smiled at you.

"Hey!" Your boyfriend said hugging you tightly. "Guys, this is (Y/n)." He introduced, you smiled and waved before sitting down next to him.

You and Neil performed a small two person play, a scene in which you two were acting as animals, lions to be specific.

Todd and Steven
Your boyfriend hesitatingly brought you to the cave where the meetings were held.

"We still have time to go back, you know?" He whispered as you inched near the cave.

"I want to go, I'm so excited!" You smiled hugging his arm as he led you down carefully and into the cave.

"Guys. This is (Y/n)." He introduced as everyone smiled and waved at you.

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