SECRETS || Charlie/Reader/Knox

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TW/CW: underage drinking, mentions of weed, mentions of abuse (not detailed), gay slur (not f slur)

(Y/n) roamed the halls, his friend Markus had spilled the biggest secret last night.

"Knox and Charlie are secretly dating," Markus whispered to (Y/n). Yeah, he was a tad but tipsy but he must've seen something.

"How do you know?" (Y/n) whispered back as his roommate and only friend laid down on his bed.

"I saw 'em... Kissing each other..." He whispered as he doze off to sleep.

"You probably were imagining things, you are tipsy..." (Y/n) whispered back as his roommate slowly fell to sleep:

End of Flashback
It was the next morning now and he wasn't able to rid himself of that confession.

Yeah, he has been told worse, people seem to over talk around him and spill lots of small and big secrets.

Once in his third year there someone confessed to being in love with his best friends sister. Another year someone confessed to "knocking someone up" as they said.

That's when everything started, suddenly he knew everyone secrets, even some of the staff. He had so much dirt on Mr. Nolan, like how if you give him the right amount of money he'll let anyone in the school. Apparently even the greatest have a price.

Charlie and Knox walked past him, his stomach dropped as he watched them.

He had to admit that he had thoughts like theirs before. That's something he swore to take to the grave. But he wasn't alone, almost the entire school had thoughts like that.

"Hey Knox!" (Y/n) shouted nervously causing him to stop.

"Oh, hey (Y/n), what's up?" Knox smiled.

"Can we talk privately?" (Y/n) asked again a little less nervous this time.

"Oh, sure..? You can go without me Charlie, I'll catch up." Knox smiled before running towards the nervous boy in front of him.

"I know your secret," (Y/n) immediately confessed. Knox gave him a questioning look, but he wasn't convincing enough.

"What secret?" Knox asked, (Y/n) could tell that he was nervous.

"Come off it Knox, you know exactly what I mean!" (Y/n) whisper-shouted.

"Fine, what do you want? Money?" Knox asked.

"No! No!" (Y/n) shook his head. "Please, my roommate confessed it yesterday and I won't lie, I'm scared for you."

"Is he going to tell anyone? If he does I swear I'll fight him!" Knox said anxiously.

"I have too much dirt on him for him to do something like that Knox," (Y/n) said but he didn't even believe it. He nervously sighed as he could tell Knox was afraid.

"Thanks for telling me, I'll see you around..." Knox walked away, he was worried and (Y/n) could tell.

"Knox! Look, Markus' dad paid Mr Nolan for him to be accepted here, he isn't here because he is smart." (Y/n) confessed. "He told me himself..."

"He paid to get in here?" Knox said surprised.

"Yeah, and— and— Caleb his dad's business is crashing," (Y/n) wasn't able to keep quiet anymore. "I know lots of things about people and I promise no one will know about yours."

"Thanks," Knox smiled. "Follow me."

Knox lead him outside and towards the woods, (Y/n) was unfamiliar with the setting.

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