He Meets Your Parents

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Charlie Dalton: Surprisingly Charlie wore a suit to met your parents during winter holidays. Your mom adored Charlie and approved of his high status and his parents income. Your dad on the other side didn't think Charlie was very fun, which was really funny to you.

Gerard Pitts: Gerard visited you and your family on the summer holiday's. Your mom didn't like him very much, she thought he was very quiet. Your dad liked him very much though, liked that he was tall, smart, good looking, and played soccer. He also really liked that he had his future planned out and was head strong.

Knox Overstreet: Knox visited your parents while Chris was away at summer camp, you were to go to an acting camp the week she came back. Your mom loved Knox and your dad adored him too. Your mom approved of him because Knox knew how to keep a conversation going and was extremely kind towards you. Your dad at first was effy with Knox but slowly warmed up to him.

Neil Perry: Neil visited you during the spring holidays when you invited him over to meet your parents. Your dad didn't like that Neil wanted to be an actor didn't think it was sustainable enough and had a reliable income. Your mom on the other hand adored him and thought he was great for sticking up for what he wanted.

Steven Meeks: Steven walked you home, you rushed him to leave before your parents saw him but it was too late. Your parents invited him inside and he couldn't say no. Your dad loved Meeks and praised him for being outstanding and future valedictorian. Your mom didn't like him as much though, thought he was a bit boring.

Todd Anderson: Todd was Neil's best friend and Neil had invited him to stay over. That's when it slipped that Todd was dating you and your parents wanted to "formally" meet him. Your mom loved Todd but didn't like that he was so reserved and nervous. Your dad didn't mind it and reassured your mom that he need time that it was very sudden.

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