Todd Anderson (he/him pronouns)

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Secret Admirer

Dear Todd Anderson,
You don't know who I am but I know who you are. I'm in your English class and loved the poem. You're an amazing writer and I aspire to be just like you.
Your secret admirer.

Todd read to out loud to Neil whose grin got wider and wider.

"Who do you think it is?" Neil asked looking at Todd who shrugged.

"A secret admirer? Never had one of those before," he laughed putting the letter on his desk before grabbing his book.

"That's it?" Neil said throwing a pillow at him, "you're not even fazed!"

"Will Neil, how should I have reacted? Thrown a search party?" Neil nodded and Todd rolled his eyes.

"We'll get Charlie to search!" Neil stood up quickly almost falling.

"Neil! We don't need to get anyone envolved, okay?" Todd threw the pillow at Neil who was already opening the door.

"Oh come on Todd! It could be anyone and we have to know!" Neil insisted but Todd shook his head.

"It's really not a big deal we don't have to hunt this person down," Todd insisted Neil sat back down and finished his chemistry homework.

"You're no fun Todd, I would be searching ever inch of this school for this secret admirer." Neil sat back down his chemistry book on his lap as he flipped the pages.

"It's not a big deal. Besides it could've been a stupid joke by someone else at this school." Todd chuckled.

"What if its Lizzie? She's in our English and chemistry class!" Neil said and Todd shook his head. "What if it's Nancy! Or Betty or Veronica! What if its Damaris!" Neil went on and on naming all the girls in the class.

"Neil! I'm trying to read! Can we leave this for tomorrow? Or can we just never pick up this topic? Let it die down?" Todd insisted and Neil groaned loudly.

"Oh come on! You're not even a little but excited or curious on who it might be?" Todd shook his head and Neil groaned even louder.

"Oh stop it Neil, do your homework," Todd laughed. Neil let the conversation rest, but he couldn't help but be curious, who could be sending notes to Todd?

Todd wasn't in the slightest bit curious about who it was, if this person wanted to be known then they'll tell him and if they wanted to be kept anonymous then thats how they'll be kept.

Todd and Neil sneaked out that night to the cave, Neil was quietly laughing and talking to Todd.

They entered the cave as Neil initiated the meeting. Charlie brought his saxophone after everyone insisting he played it again for another poets meeting.

"I have an important announcement to make!" Neil called, everyone turned to look at him and Todd's expression fell.

"Neil no," Todd shook his head but Neil smirked.

"Our very own Todd has a secret admirer!" Neil said and everyone cheered, Todd's face went bright red as everyone congratulated him happily.

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