Midnight Walks

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Charlie Dalton: Charlie and you enjoyed long nights, when it was just you two. The day would be stressful for you as your parents expected so much from you. But those nights when Charlie and you would sneak out made everything so much more worth it. All the pain and break downs were worth it knowing that Charlie was always there for you.

Gerard Pitts: Gerard loved nights, he loved taking you out for walks and just having you by his side. It made him feel safe, he finally was able to just be himself and he thanked you deeply for it. He enjoyed being able to hold your hand and tell you all the things he loved about you.

Knox Overstreet: Knox loved how romantic it was to walk at night. The stars shined so bright and the roads were empty. All that could be heard was you and Knox, you two often danced to nothing. He would walk you home after and he would call you the next morning or sometimes that night before you went to sleep, he would tell you all the fun he had.

Neil Perry: Neil loved spending time with you and sometimes the day was too short. Neil would take you to his favorite place and you two would stargaze. He pointed out different stars and what they formed and you would laugh. He would tell you stories about his childhood and you would tell him about yours. Neil loved spending as much time with you as he could.

Steven Meeks: Meeks hated the dark, he was scared of being outside. But your favorite thing was going outside and looking at the stars. So Meeks would go outside as you would tell him stories and tell him about your day. Meeks listened to you and would sometimes comment or laugh. You liked being around him, you enjoyed his company even if he was quiet the entire time and would just listen to you.

Todd Anderson: Todd and you being two very artistic enjoyed being outside. Ideas seemed to be formed better when everyone was quiet and you two were awake. You loved to dance and would make Todd dance with you. Sometimes you would paint Todd and his different expressions writing small poems at the bottom. You loved to capture moments like these without the use of a camera, although sometimes a polaroid picture was better then spending hours painting.

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