(headcannon) Being in the DPS Friend Group

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• Getting into arguments with Cameron all the time
• Getting Charlie's jokes
• Cheering Neil on during his play
• Standing up for Mr. Keating
• Getting into trouble
• Inviting them on adventures
• Being the rebel of the group
• Being extremely romantic
• Sometimes shy
• You get along with Todd a lot and spend loads of time with him
• You want to go to Culinary school
• Baking/cooking for them
• Bringing snacks to the meetings
• Being the youngest in your family
• Being an okay student
• Being amazing in latin
• Charlie teaches you how to play instruments
• Starting a small band with Charlie, Neil and Knox
• Helping Todd out with homework
• Sneaking to town with the poets
• Helping Knox with Chris
• Your least favorite poet is Cameron
• Cameron and you lowkey being enemies (unknown to you Cameron had a crush on you)
• Talking about each others futures with one another
• Staying up at night
• Late night drives
• Karaoke nights
• Going to Swing dance with the poets
• Sharing clothes (they loved to take your shirts)
• Charlie lowkey being in love with you
• Always reading first during meetings
• Going to record stores

- Imagine - (reader implied to be a guy)

Charlie and you were in his dorm room and you had sneaked a small radio into the school. You showed him with a smirk and he smirked back. You woke up the poets (it was midnight) to go listen to music in the cave.

Neil didn't like to be woken so late at night but went anyways because it was usual that he could hear anything other then classic music.

Meeks and Pitts inspired to make their own radio that night.

You smirked and looked at them, "The goddess of the cave!" You smiled turning on the radio and hearing Titti Frutti start playing. Everyone started to dance to it sometimes even singing along to it.

You and Charlie began to dance with each other laughing and smiling at each other. After the song ended Elvis began to play and again everyone danced.

It was so much fun everyone stayed in the cave until around 4 in the morning.

Cameron, Charlie and You were all walking together still lowkey singing to the songs when Cameron messed up on a line.

"Cameron! It doesn't go like that! It's 'Sad Sack was sittin' on a block of stone, way over in the corner weepin' all alone'!" You sang and Charlie danced.

"Yeah Cameron learn the song before you start singing." You two clowned Cameron until he grumpily walked away.

"Oh come on Cameron! We was only joking!" You laughed as Charlie began to sing the next part of the song.

Neil rolled his eyes walking backwards to look you two in the eye.

"Leave the poor guy alone, he doesn't know the king of rock and roll and that's okay!" He laughed causing Cameron to roll his eyes standing next to Pitts.

"Neil!" Pitts laughed shaking his head, "be nice!"

Everyone spent the way back to the school either defending Cameron or joking about it, Todd was smiling and even said a few jokes about it much to Cameron's dismay.

"I thought you'd be on my side Todd," Cameron shook his head before bursting out in laughter. Everyone else began to laugh too.

"We should do this again," you smiled looking at them.

"I agree, it was loads of fun but I am tired and we have a Latin test," he playfully shook his head as everyone said goodbye. You and Knox were roommates so you tow walked back to the dorm together laughing.

You laid on your bed looking at the ceiling, Knox was facing his wall.

"You think Chris will like me?" He mumbled and you laughed sitting up looking at him.

"I really do think she'll like you, but you gotta hold on for a sec you can't smother her and all, women don't like a guy who is always up their bums about everything they do," Knox sat up and laughed shaking his head.

"You're the worst and the best at giving advice, just like Charlie. Speaking of Charlie you spend too much time with him you're starting to act like him,"  you rolled your eyes laying down facing your wall.

"Charlie is my best friend Knoxious don't be jealous now," you smirked.

"I'm not jealous of you and Charlie," he scoffed turning away. You slowly began to hear Knox's soft snores as you drifted off to sleep.

You were awoken thirty minutes after by a banging on the door. Knox sat up and sighed getting off his bed and to his dresser. You did the same pulling on the uniform before leaving the room Knox lazily following behind you.

That morning the only person with energy was Charlie. Surprising absolutely nobody that morning. Know was slowly drifting off to sleep almost slamming his head on the plate, if it weren't for your hand protecting his face.

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