You Meet His Parents

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Charlie Dalton: Charlie invited you over to have dinner with his parents because his mom was so eager to finally meet you. His mom loved you, she thought you were such a smart person with amazing ideas. His dad was meh with you the entire dinner, he did like that your family was at the same social status.

Gerard Pitts: Gerard invited you over to watch a movie when his parents came back from work and saw you. His dad adored you and thought you'd bring Pitts some fun because he's so stiff all the time. His mom on the other side did not like you and instantly went to her room until you left.

Knox Overstreet: Knox's parents sent you an invitation to have dinner with them to which you agreed. Knox's mom adored you and so did his dad. They thought you and Knox were a perfect match both having extremely bright futures.

Neil Perry: Neil's mom invited you over to their home for some dinner much to his dad dismay. His dad didn't like you one bit and thought you encouraging Neil in becoming an actor was the worse part. His mom did really like you but didn't show it afraid to make Mr. Perry angry.

Steven Meeks: Steven and you were hanging out in his backyard when his parents saw you and eagerly told you to stay for dinner. His parents loved you and had zero complains. They thought you were just the smartest and funniest person they had ever met.

Todd Anderson: Todd nervously told you about his parents wanting you over for dinner. You thought the idea was grand but he warned you that his parents were mean and didn't like a lot of people and mostly not any of his friends. Safe to say his parents took a moment to finally warm up to you and they even confessed that you were a blessing to Todd and helped him break away from his shell, even thanked your brother Neil.

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