What Piercings They'd Get

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Charlie Dalton: Charlie would definitely get at least two piercings done. He'd get his eyebrows pierced and his nose pierced. He'd get both sides of his nostrils done and maybe if he wants he'll get his septum pierced too.

Chris Noel: Since Chris is a cheerleader theres rules, she'd get an industrial and her right nostril pierced. If she weren't a cheerleader she'd get her eyebrows pierced but that's just a distant dream.

Gerard Pitts: Gerard definitely would get his lip pierced. That and he'd also get an industrial just because you told him too.

Knox Overstreet: As a true romantic he'd get his right nostril pierced and maybe his ears pierced. He'd look like a "bad boy" and you think he'd look great with the piercings.

Neil Perry: Neil definitely would get his septum pierced and his ear lobes pierced. hiding a septum is easy and hiding his earrings is pretty easy too. He wouldn't get anything ese only because it'd be hard to find roles he could play with piercings.

Steven Meeks: Meeks isn't a fan of piercings and he is scared of needles since he was a child. He'd get his helix done and that would be all. He'd live the rest of his life not getting tattoos or getting any other piercing ever.

Todd Anderson: Todd hated piercings, his parents would disown him if he got any too. The second he went off to college he got three piercings one week and three other piercings the next and in the span of three years he got all of his ears pierced. He got a Monroe, medusa, helix, both sides of his nose, and his septum pierced.

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