Chris Noel CATCH UP!!!

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I have decided to add her into the prefrences/imagines and one-shots :) you can go ahead and request one-shits for her!!! <3 welcome Chris to the very amazing world of fanfiction.

How You Meet:
You and Chris go to the same friend except you were a theater/band kid and she was a cheerleader. You didn't become friends until a mutual friend introduced you to her. Surprisingly you two had a lot of common interests and quickly became best friends.

Becoming Friends:
You and Chris became friends when you met through a mutual friend at a party after a football game. You were auditioning for a Henley Hall play that she helped you with.

She Asks You On a Date:
You and Chris had been friends for a while then and you started to develop feelings for her. You were too shy to tell her how you felt so you decided to not tell her, better kept a secret, right? She invited you to your favorite coffee shop. "Hey, (Y/n)?" She smiled taking a sip of her drink, "What's up?" You asked smiling back at her. "I was wondering, since we've been friends for such a long time... If maybe you'd like to go on a date? With me?" She smiled but you could see small tints of pink on her cheeks. "I would love to go on a date with you Chris!"

The Date:
You told Chris to meet you in front of your house on Saturday morning. The cafe was about twenty minutes walking which wasn't too bad. But it did get full very fast so you two had start your journey early. She loved the halloween decorations and enjoyed seeing all the little pumpkins and even enjoyed being scared and almost dropping her pumpkin latte.

Sneaking Out:
Chris wasn't the type of person to want to do daring things. She hated going out and putting herself at risk. But when you came by for a surprise visit she had no other choice but to go out at night with you. It was 2a.m and it was the most fun she had in a very very long time.

You ask her to be Your girlfriend:
You and Chris have been friends for a long while by this point meeting Freshman year and now being sophomores. You began developing feelings and like your friends would tell you, "carpe diem" and thats exactly what you did. You asked her and surprisingly she said yes, very enthusiastically.

She Meets Your Friends:
Chris doesn't know a lick of what it means to be in band/theater. You introduced her to the school's band and she stayed for practice. You played the trumpet/flute/saxophone. She asked you to teach her which you gladly did.

You Meet Her Friends:
Just like Chris has no idea what its like to be in band/theater you have no clue what it means to be a cheerleader and just how hard it really was. She introduced you to the cheer team, they all loved and approved.

First Kiss:
You and Chris went out to pick pumpkins to carve at her house. You had never carved a pumpkin before or even been to a pumpkin patch. She enthusiastically told you all about the pumpkins, and you just couldn't help it but kiss her right then and there. It was romantic because it was at the place she loved the most; the pumpkin patch.

Hanging Out with Her:
There wasn't a second when you two were apart, you loved being around her and she loved being around you. You invited her over to your house where you two listened to records the entire time and even danced.

You hated arguments, but in every healthy relationship there is arguments. Mist of the time the arguments are about small dumb things like what movie you want to watch or what record you should listen to. But most of the time you two compromise or have a system where you pick one day and she picks the next and vice versa.

Jealousy (you):
You git jealous one time at a party when some random person started flirting with her. You of course went over and knocked their teeth in, much to Chris' surprise but you could tell said person was making her uncomfortable.

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