Jealous (You)

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Charlie Dalton: Charlie had magically been able to sneak into your school in the afternoon one day. "Charlie!" You exclaimed running and hugging him. Vivian, a girl a year older then you saw you with Charlie and began to walk towards you two. "A boy? At our school?" She said walking closer you pulled away from the hug and glared at the girl. "Vivian." You grumbled as the girl went close to Charlie. "My names Vivian, and you are?" She said winking at him. "He happens to already have a girlfriend you slippery snake." You retorted glaring at her as she scoffed and walked away.

Gerard Pitts: Not going to the same school meant not being able to spend so much time together. At first it was great but you soon grew jealous of Steven Meeks, Pitt's best friend because he was able to spend so much time with your boyfriend.

Knox Overstreet: Knox used to have a crush on Chris, knowing this already came with jealousy whenever you would see them together. You tried your best to not let it get in the way seeing how you and Chris were always so close to each other. But you just couldn't help comparing yourself to her anytime you saw them together.

Neil Perry: You usually never got jealous, you trusted Neil enough to know that he would never do something like cheat or flirt with other girls. But the friendship he had with Todd made you feel sad and jealous. The closeness and the bond they had made you feel like that's just something you'll never get with Neil.

Steven Meeks: You never got jealous, Meeks was such a loyal guy to you and you were loyal to him. You two were practically inseparable although that wasn't always good. You did have some falls where one of your classmates were too close to him.

Todd Anderson: Todd and you had a very trusting relationship, he rarely ever got jealous and you rarely ever got jealous. But you were casted in a play, you would think Todd would be jealous but instead it was you who was jealous. Anytime Todd would show up to your rehearsals some girl would come up to him and start flirting with him in front of you. He would deny, reject, avoid the girl but she was persistent until you kissed him in front of her.

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