Jealousy (him)

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Charlie Dalton: Charlie usually never gets jealous, he trusts you 100%, that is until Neil Perry (his best friend) walks in. Charlie would be a liar if he said Neil wasn't attractive. Although Neil's feelings towards you are 100% platonic, Charlie can't help but feel jealousy creepy whenever you and Neil are together. I mean, Neil's gorgeous, handsome, great bone structure, beautiful brown eyes. "Charlie, shut up, Neil is my friend." You laughed.

Gerard Pitts: Gerard is very confident in himself and would never fathom a reason why you'd ever cheat or leave him. Safe to say he rarely ever got jealous, that's not to say he isn't over protective of you. If he sensed someone try and flirt with you he'd wrap his arm around your waist.

Knox Overstreet: Knox would never think that you'd cheat on him. I mean, he is very confident in himself and trusts you to the fullest. But he can't help but feel like you like Charlie more then you like him. Charlie is a huge flirt and extremely confident in himself. Anytime Charlie is around Knox is very attentive and ready to fight Charlie at any moment.

Neil Perry: Neil never got jealous, if anything everyone should be jealous of him. Neil trusts you and loves you and could never think of why you'd ever want to leave him or cheat on him.

Steven Meeks: Steven is oblivious sometimes to his friends joking flirting with you. The thought of you cheating on him or any of his friends wanting to snatch you from him never crossed his mind so he just doesn't worry. If you wanted to leave then you would've left, he tells himself.

Todd Anderson: Todd is very nervous and sometimes needs a little reassurance from you that you won't leave him. Not that he doesn't trust you but he has separation anxiety and abandonment issues thanks to his parents. He gets the most jealous when someone winks at you, mostly Charlie.

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