Part 1

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December 21st, 1995 on a clear midnight sky with a big white moon shining its rays in the hospital room where a female holds her daughter. This woman was sitting in a chair near the window and allowed the moonlight to cover her daughter.

That was when things happened. The moonlight covered the whole girl and began to glow. the mother had to shield her eyes closed from how strong the light was. When the glow disappeared, the young newborn has white small hair, sapphire blue eyes instead of her father brown and what really surprised the woman are the two small wings from the baby back and out of the soft white towel and the crystal gem on the child's forehead with three small feathers sprouted on the crown of the gem.

"Oh my dear, what..." the woman looked outside to see it beginning to snow and the clouds have blocked off the moon. 

"Snow..." the woman looks down at her daughter with a soft smile. "We shall name you Snow Swan. Your father will have quite the shock."

Indeed, Chief Charlie Swan had a huge surprise when the one-night stand woman brings to him a daughter. Not only a daughter he didn't know was growing but a daughter that has feathers and wings on her with snow-white hair.

"I am sorry for laying this on you, my dear. Neither did I know this would have happened but here she is, I guess." The woman spoke shyly at the male who she thought she wouldn't be meeting again.

"It," cleared his throat. "It is alright. Are you going to keep her or...?" Charlie was unsure of what to do with a second daughter. The first left with her mother as they have divorced not too long ago.

"I think it would be safer for her to be with you. I have some trouble that I don't want her or you to get into. Would you care for her?" The woman thinks back to her stern father who wanted to marry her off to some guy he knows of as an old friend and if he were to find out about Snow, then she and her child with Charlie would be dead with no hesitation from her father.

"I suppose. Did you give her a name?" Charlie, with strong but shaky arms, holds onto the bundle of feathers of his daughter.

"I named her Snow. She was born on December twenty-first at midnight. I think it was the full moonlight that gave her these wings and feathers. Take care of her and protect her." Charlie looks into his one-night stand eyes and nods with determination.

A second chance might be better than no chance at being a good father. Charlie will not disappoint.

"Thank you. Goodbye, my love." the woman kissed the gem on her daughter's head and left on her silver Ducati.

Charlie looks down at his daughter who has just begun opening her eyes. Saphire blue looks into his chocolate orbs and a smile pull at both their lips.

"Welcome to Forks, Snow Saphire Swan."

*Awe, a baby with wings and feathers. Cute in its own way and quite magical.

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