Part 12

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So, here I am in Volterra castle. The three brothers decided in bringing me to the castle first before heading out and further into the city. I agreed since it is close and it is them who is bringing me on this little outing.

"Oh wow," I gasp as we enter the throne room.

The whole castle is amazing but this part takes the cake. I walk in and smile as the sun from above shines down on me. If I had my wings out then I would seriously look like an angel.

"Please sit, mia," Aro says, motioning with his right hand to one of the brown thrones.

"What! No, I...couldn't." I shake my head embarrassed and honestly not going to be ruining such magnificence.

"We insist. Look, even we shall join you." Caius and Marcus head to two of the thrones and sit down like they have done it for a long time which is weird.

"Um, do you guys perhaps be actors during the Voltera guides and sit on those thrones?" I ask unsure of this situation.

"We do! How did...?" Caius exclaims with surprise.

"You guys look like you have done this a thousand times and seem so natural," I explain.

"Well, if we are pretending to be kings, would you like to be our queen?" Marcus asks which I giggle at. I don't know that behind my back, Aro is smirking at Caius and the three are waiting for my response from their mate.

"If you guys insist, then I accept." Those words seem to mean two different things in this given situation. For me, it is to follow their fun and games but to them, unbeknownst to me, is that I accept being their queen of vampires and being with them.

I walk up the steps, turn and sit on the wooden throne. It can be seen slightly as odd when the sun changes its beams and directs them on me, illuminating the polish on the wood and making my skin glow some more of the white color.

"You look ravishing, exquisite, my dear." Aro compliments with a giddy smile on his face. I smile back, heat rushing up my neck and to my cheeks as I look down bashfully.

"You do. My brother said it all and I can add," Marcus speaks next taking my gaze to meet his that holds love in his eyes, practically glowing. He takes my right hand in his cold ones, rubbing his thumb over my skin. "Perfection just like a true queen is."

" guys are truly charming," I pause calming my excited nerves. "To confess, I never met any men that are as charming as you three." I look up to look at the three men. "I guess It was a good idea in coming to Italy."

"Indeed it was and is for if you hadn't, we wouldn't have met," Caius tells me smiling gently at me. He gazes at me with such adoration, like I am to be his next muse.

"Okay, the next room is important and you have to see." Caius jumps up with beaming teeth showing a smile, grabs my left hand, and drags me off the throne and down the steps. I clutch Marcus' hand in my right and drag him with me and he, in turn, drags Aro.

I laugh as we are practically jogging, following Caius down white-pillared walls and hallways. Going lefts and right and all the while I am laughing at the idea of us dragging each other. Soon we make it to a room and stop for me to catch my breath.

"Okay, no peaking just yet my love." I tense when a pair of hands cover my eyes. The immediate thought that flies to my mind is hoping the person who is covering my eyes doesn't feel the gem on my forehead, I hide with my bandana and hat.

We walk in and I hear the door close with a click. Nerves swirl in my stomach as they still keep my eyes covered. Those nerves begin to ignite when a pair of lips press on my neck. I gasp opening my mouth. My mouth seems to invite a pair of lips to clamp on them.

OH. MY. GOD. My first kiss! I always wondered what it would feel like but this...takes my breath away. They are soft but as he digs deep, it is rough with passion. I hold in a moan for how amazing those pair of lips claim my first kiss.

I do groan as hands grip my hips and two pairs of lips on either side of my neck begin peppering the skin. I pull away to breathe and pant slightly as the calm and soft touches send light electric fire to my core.

I don't know how or when but the feeling of my wings being let loose forces me to open my eyes as I gasp. I look behind me to see my jacket is off my shoulders and my wings are out. I take a step back followed by another step in aghast.

"My love, we are sorry. We..." I look over to Aro who has guilt on his face.

"You..." I didn't say anything else because I was busy looking for their reactions to what they thought of me. The three brothers hold slight guilt on their faces but in their eyes...their eyes hold the true thought. They have awe in their eyes and still that loving gaze. "You don't seem disgusted."

"What!? Why would we be disgusted?" Caius growls slightly at my words.

"Well, no human has wings, and if they do they are fake." I flutter my wings to calm some nerves of fear.

"We are not disgusted, my love. We are blessed." Aro says straightening his posture. I blink surprised at his statement. Blessed, how can they be blessed with me? Most people would scoff or glare and try to kill me for being a monster.

"You are a gift and we would never hate anything you do." Marcus takes a step forward, hope in his eyes that I don't runoff.

"Promise you won't tell anybody of this? Nobody in this world should know about my wings or even this." I take off the hat and bandana showing the gem on my forehead and the three feathers.

"We swear to keep this secret forever, mia amore." Aro walks over with promise. I should be still afraid but I am not. In all of my life, I have trusted my father with the secret but still had the fear of him telling me if situations turn drastic. But, with these brothers, I feel fear or the urge to run and disappear. I feel calm and trust they won't tell.

"Thank you," I whisper glad to be able to show my real self instead of hiding all the time.

"Your welcome." Aro comes closer, taking my arms and placing them on his waist, pulling me closer. I look up into his eyes which are black but with slight auburn color. He leans in and kisses me with my eyes open and knowing who is kissing me. He was the one to kiss me first.

Arms wrap around me as Caius and Marcus join in giving me their affection.

*Hey my lovelies, I never have experienced the first kiss but have any of you had these type of soft kisses before?

Comment down below and let me know what you think. 

Also, the mature scenes are going to get heated in the next chapter. try and be patient and enjoy.*

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