Part 13

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I spend the few minutes allowing the brother to pepper kiss my face and neck before the daring devil Caius begins to pull my shirt allowing more access to my skin along my shoulder. Marcus switches with aro in kissing my lips as Aro licks and nibbles on my neck, where it bulges with my head turned.

I grind against one of the brothers, which I guess is Aro who bites down slightly harder on my skin. I sigh at how lovely the pain is, The sunbeams in as the clouds pass away and the light falls over all four of us.

I glance to my left in the mirror behind Caius and see the three brothers' skin glitter. I narrow my eyes at that. I pull away my head from them and back away. I gawk at them glitter under the sun as I submerge myself in the shadow.

"Oh no," Caius whispers looking over to his brothers and then over to me.

"What," I blink a few times trying to wrap my head around what I am seeing. "What are you?"

The brother looks at each other with guilt and fear in their expression. Marcus is the one to step forward, his skin glittering along with his movements.

"Mia, we didn't mean for you to find it out this way but..." He nibbles on his lower lip. My gaze looked at those soft lips and back into his eyes. "We are vampires."

I gawk at them in surprise. I thought I was weird but they are diamond vampires. Literally glittering at me like a ten billion dollar necklace urging me to buy it. I close my mouth and gulp nervously.

"Hopefully you guys were planning on telling me later in our freindship. Right?" I ask wondering to trust them or not.

"Of course, it was only when you were ready but seems fate decided otherwise." Aro takes a foot forward as I sidestep. They gaze at me in bewilderment as a sly smile graces my features.

"Well, that is good to know." I sidestep again before walking forward, beginning to circle them. My sly smile turns to a smirk at them, my eyes narrow with charm.

"Um, what are you doing love?" Caius asks confused but holds a sly smirk on his features slightly catching my game.

"Well, what do you think I am doing? I sure am not dancing with the vampires of the night like an angel of the moon." I say walking, elongating my strides like a tango dance.

"You," Marcus steps out of my circle but Aro and Caius follow my charming game. "You are beginning a game, dear." 

"What makes you think I am playing? Perhaps it is a simple dance whether to trust you or not." I continue on walking, sneakily grabbing my dress and pulling it up, showing off the pale fair skin of my leg. their gazes land on my leg going up, they are falling for my spell.

"Um," Aro clears his throat nervously, eyes pitch black and I notice their pants tightening. My smirk widens showing some teeth. "You are becoming an enchantress, my dear. Don't tempt us or else we won't be able to control ourselves." Caius growls in agreement.

I turn my head away before twirling to my left. I reach to my tied-up hair, pulling the squidgy out. My hair fans around in my spin and drops on my right collarbone as I lift my right shoulder, lowering my left and biting my lip.

That makes them crack. The two brothers and even Marcus speed over to me in a second and hands begin to caress my whole body as three pairs of lips explore their own favored spot along my neck, breasts (Caius), and my leg that I tucked my dress up from before.

"Let's see what you boys can really do to an angel that has a black streak in her cloud." Their eyes grow darker if that is possible and they tug me on the floor. Caius tugs a big white bed sheet placing it on the floor to soften my landing.

"You never tempt a vampire dear. Unless you know how to play the game." Aro growls in my right ear.

"Maybe I already know how to win the game sweetheart." I can tell my own blue eyes turn dark blue in my seductive mindset.

"Ah, then you know you cannot win." Caius trails his fingers along my left leg and begins to tug my underwear. I turn to face him, his hot breath fanning my burning cheeks.

"Try me." Many hidden promises and temptations can be heard with those two words.

That is all it takes before they growl, tearing all my clothes off and their own clothes. Marcus is the first to slide under me and caress my waist. Aro gets up over me and places a passionate kiss as Caius begins to caress my clit, rubbing and blowing along with my opening.

I gasp and lean my head back on Marcus' neck, he plants a peck on my cheek making me smile at him. He is so sweet and I know the sweetest guys can perhaps have a darker side to their seduction.

"Did you get this wet from us or yourself, love?" Aro's fingers too slide over the lips of my pussy.

"What do you think?" Aro growls and lowers himself before slamming in. My hymen breaks and I gasp in a slight scream. Damn it hurt! I know you are all thinking that with laying eggs, my hymen would already be broken but in fact, the eggs only slide out almost through a gel, are flexible, and don't break anything; simply slide through a stretchy spider web. 

"you alright?" they change their personality to make sure I am not in pain.

"I am fine, just caught me in surprise with the intrusion but I would like to feel more." Aro grins and begins to slam into me. He keeps pace as Marcus slides himself in my ass, grunting at how tight I am. I hiss as that hole gets stretched more than my vagina. I laid eggs through my vagina canal not my ass like a chicken which means my anal is tighter and it will surely feel sore tomorrow morning.

"Oh, mi amore." He groans and Caius captures my lips as I breathe out.


...."Who phone is ringing?" I mutter in Caius lips.


....The two kings continue but their heads lift up listening to the phone.


..."That would be yours, love." I gasp in realization. I try and get up but Marcus dick and Aros stop me along with their hands. 

"Here love." I gawk at them as Caius passes me my ringing phone. "I am not answering that while I am being screwed." Aro digs himself deeper at the word making me moan and shut my eyes in pleasure.

"You want me to answer?" Caius suggests with a cocky smile. I open my eyes, look down at the contact, and my eyes widen.

It's Charlie!

*Ooohhh, how embarrassing. I wonder what Charlie is going to say if he hears his precious daughter is being fucked right now.

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