Part 22

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Running feels exhilarating unless you don't like exercise then that is good too but vampire speed is awesome. Weaving through the woods, I run in and out of the moonlight enjoying appearing and disappearing. Three figures join my side and I see the guards.

"What are you doing?" Felix asks on my left as Demetri and Jane are on my right.

"Heading to Italy with Bella and Alice. I will be with them in the car, you guys get my things and make it to Italy beforehand. the kings might need you." they nod and run back to grab my things as I soon am running near the black fast-moving car.

I don't enter because I don't want the two to know of my change. I remain a distance to be hidden in the woods but close that I don't lose them. We make it to the airport and I slip past guards and get on the same flight. Bella and Alice come on the plane, Bella's head turns to look over everyone.

I lift a newspaper and glance once I know she is not looking. Smirking I read some of the captions on the paper enjoying the flight. Licking my lips the burning in my throat is throbbing hungry for the blood around me. 

"Ticket please." I look at the flight attendant in slight alarm. Shit! Um...I look and see the plane has taken off and the moonlight flood in. Seem luck is on my side as the man in the seat to left goes to the bathroom. 

I quickly slipped in the seat, my upper body disappearing. Lifting the guy's sweater onto my legs and the newspaper up to hide my face. I also grab the passport out of the guy's pocket.

"Passport." I show the passport and the lady moves on.

"That was close." I breathe out. As the flight attendant leaves, I slip out of the man's seat and resume to read the newspaper like I ain't some sneak on the flight. I technically am a sneak but it is for good reasons.

An hour flight and we make it to Italy. Making sure I am the last to exit I keep an eye out on Bella and Alice figures as they head off to get a car. I speed past just before the door closes and as everyone's eyes are off me.

I hide behind some plants and watch Bella wait for a while. I keep an eye on her just as a yellow buggy pulls up. Hmm, very small and can blend in well but not my style at all. They speed off and I follow.

Alice speeds through the roads and I too follow but at a distance that they cannot notice me. I hope the guards have made it to the castle. I stop a moment as the yellow car slows as many people in red capes walk around. 

"What the hell...Oh." I look at a sign and it says it is Saint Marcus Festival. Hmm, very interesting moment for Edwardo to die. Among cloaks of blood-red people. Idiot! 

My attention pulls as the cops stop Alice and Bella rushes off. I hear faintly something about the bell tower. Hmm, I think I should get there first. Zooming through and making sure I am not noticed by the humans I make it to the Bell Tower.

"Well, welcome home, Snow," I mumble to myself leaning on the alleyway wall looking at the crowd. My position has a perfect view of the whole space and I see Bella halt at the fountain. Glancing over to the door of the tower, Edward emerges and begins to take off his shirt. He hasn't even got good abs. Not like Aro or Caius, geez, my mates are ripped slightly unlike the lean slim Edwardo.

Bella pushes through the crowd and slams into Edward's open arms. The sunlight only touches his skin for a moment and Bella is able to push him into the shadows. More like into the tower again. Dramatic much woman. Zooming off and into the place, I slip to a corner and watch the two kissing disgusting lovebirds.

"Okay, can you guys stop? This is rather disgusting of you two to be making out in someone else home." I announce my presence startling the two.

"Snow! What are you doing here?" Bella asks confused.

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