Part 8

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"Alright, so this is an art scholarship and we all want you to do well. The specifics are these, "He takes out a folder from his waistcoat and slip it in front of me to unwrap and take out the packed sheets. "This is the schedule you have, places you have to go, things to do and time to send the assignments in."

I look at the places, most are in the area but some are in specific buildings that I must go inside. There are assignments, their marks that is graded, the time they are to be sent, where and to whom; also says that it is in the studio that you must work.

"Um, which studio do you mean?" I point to the line. He removes his gaze from staring at me over to where I am pointing. 

"It means your studio here." He points to the studio area of this suite. "All these supplies are for you to use and if you need more, call and it will be sent to you."

"I have a hunch there is a catch to all this." I look back to the male. Nothing if for free in this world.

"Hm, there is one catch. You do well and between assignments, you must create five works of art that you will present in one of the art museums we host every three years. You are the expected candidate for the presentation of the works here in Volterra." I lean forward on the counter breathing slightly heavy as my mind spins. 

Five works of art on top of these assignments. AND it is to be showcased at a museum as a presentation of Volterra.

"Oh and one more thing, there are three great judges that will be coming to review your work three times during your scholarship and you will see them at the museum for full showcase view." I look up at him. He is gazing at me with a small smile that calms some of my nerves.

"This is a huge scholarship," I exclaim gobsmacked.

"Indeed but you have been chosen and we hope you won't disappoint." He slides off and heads to grab his brown suitcase on the couch. "Good luck and if you have any questions I left my number and card on the counter near the coffee pot."

"Ah yes, thanks and I will if needed." I nod and wave bye to him as he leaves through the elevator.

I stay sitting on the stool looking down at the papers. The assignments are all printed and clipped together. I look at the time on my phone and it says exactly twelve o'clock. Hm, perhaps I should cook something instead of going out.

I pack all the paperback in its folder and head up the stairs to place the package on the writing desk to read over after thoroughly. I carry my bags over to the end of the bed where a brown rectangle case is.

I jump, startled, as my phone rings. I pick it up heading back down the stairs and over to make a cup of coffee.

"Hey, Dad, what is going on?" I place the phone on the counter and taped on the speaker button for me to talk and work.

"How is your scholarship going? I hope you are on break or is it at 1?" He asks nervously making me chuckle.

"All is well and seems this scholarship allows me to be in a grand suite and work in said suit. Plus I have to showcase five works of art at the end. Geez, lots of work to be done. Anyway, how is Bella, Jake, and everyone, including yourself, doing?" I ask sitting as the water boils for spaghetti.

"Everyone is good and did you know Bella is dating Edward?! Geez, I am losing both my little girls." he cries making me laugh.

"You will never lose me and besides, once I am done here, I will be coming back. Also, I met my professor and he is quite handsome. Almost looks like you except British and much more young, no offense." I wave my hand in the air before stirring the pot as it begins to boil and I add the pasta.

"Some taken sweetheart. Please do promise me you won't date anyone from there. Or any dating for that matter." Dad pleads on the phone.

"Haha, promise dad. Anyway, going to have my lunch and talk to you later. Got some paperwork to look through before beginning my assignments. Bye, love you." 

"Love you too sweetheart. Bye." I hang up before stirring the pasta once more. I walk over to the cupboard and grab a plate of pasta as I hear the elevator ding.

"Hello?" A male voice calls out.

*Ooohh who can that be?

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