Part 7

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"We are now landing in Volterra, Italy." the pilot tells us, passengers, from the telecom.

I open my eyes halfway and gaze lazily to the city. My eyes open fully when I see the beautiful city with its grand architecture and landscape. Wow, I think I am going to like it here. Ha, Annie reference.

The plane lands and I soon have my feet in Italy. Walking with my bags strolling to a seat near a white fountain. I look around and take in the scenery, huh, who are they? Three men that are standing in an alleyway are gazing at me.

 I take out my phone to take a photo of myself with the fountain in the background. When I look over to see if they are still there, they are gone. Hm, weird but oh well. I lean back and take a pic.

"Hey J, I am here in Italy. Hope all is well over there. Talk to you later." I sent it and also did the same message to Dad.

'Hey kiddo, glad you are safe and nice fountain.'

'Thanks. It is the first pic I shall add to the album of memories here in this exotic place. Chat later, bye'


I stand up and grab my bags heading for the hotel. I soon see the clocktower and halt to watch it ring with the bells. Hm, eleven in the morning, better head to the hotel, and then I can go get lunch.

I use my phone's GPS in order to find the hotel and it is not far from the clock tower. I enter the lobby. Woah, brown walls, gold accents, green tropical plants, and a lively welcoming atmosphere. Yep, Italy is wonderous.

Anyway, I head over to the receptionist to get my room key.

"Hi, may I help you?"

"Hi, I would like a room please."

"Alright, what is your name?"

"Snow Swan."

"Ah yes, you are one of the scholarship students here in Italy. Welcome and here is your room key. Hope you enjoy your stay." She hands me a gold key and a white tag.

"Thank you and good day." she nods resuming her work as I head up.

Seems my room is on the top floor. Hmm, wonder who arranged that. Oh well, I head up through the elevator. Waiting at the corner close to the buttons, I stand listening to classical music. A few people came in and left and alas, it is now only me.

"Welcome to your suit, have a good day" The lady who speaks on which floor it is called out when I reached my room.

The silver thick metal doors open and I enter. Woah, it is a studio. Like a real big studio with a drawing table, sculpting table, a table with all the tools and supplies I needed near the wall windows over looking the clocktower square.

I turn to my left and head up the white stone stairs to the Queen sized bed that has black polished wood polls on all four sides. On the right side of the bed is a writing desk and printer. The left side has a big brown oak closet and beside down two white stairs and five steps across is the bathroom I presume.

Right next to me on the left of the archway is a flat screen TV mounted securely on the wall. Why did I get assigned this room? Someone clearing their voice makes me turn around and see a man with black curly hair, black stub along his jaw, a dark grey waistcoat with grey straight pants, and a blue baggy shirt sitting in one of the red cushioned sofas I didn't yet see.

"Oh Hi, sorry is this your room? The receptionist said it was.." I trail off as the male chuckles and opens his eyes.

"No, this is your room. I am your art professor." He stands up being three inches taller than I am.

"Oh well, sorry. I didn't know who you were and..." He again chuckles with my stammering.

"You are quite the nervous child." I narrow my eyes slightly in the offense. "But beyond that, I personally wanted to be here to explain your situation."

I nod and set my bags to the side before walking with the man over to the small black marble counter that is the kitchen section. This suite must be really expensive. I really need to get a job to pay for all this.

"You see I was the one to accept your scholarship and allow you to come and be a student here. First things first, introductions." He sits across from me on the red cushioned stools. He sits and claps his hands together, intertwining his fingers. "My name is Mark Cross Frost, I am your professor."

"Hi." I shake his hand he offered with a nod.

"This particular scholarship is given to only one of many students who are gain the luxury life with lots of space and whatnot." He waves his right hand around the room which I nod. I really will need a job. "This scholarship is covering the cost of this suite which means you don't have to pay and if you succeed and are prosperous with your art, all this suit is paid off at the end of the scholarship." 

"Oh wow, I..I didn't expect that!" I confess really caught off guard.

"Hm, now let us get into the real details of what you have to do." He leans in closing his hands together and narrowing his black eyebrows. His slight British accent turns thick the darker he speaks.

*Oh wow, lucky huh. I am sure this type of scholarship isn't real so bear with me as this is fiction. 

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