Winter Breed Info

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Snow Swan

The next generation of winter royalty.

Powers: Invisibility. Laying eggs that are gifts to the moon and winter gods that blessed her as a child. Power of reversion (Her vampire power).

Represents: Winter, bearing its season and providing (eggs) just like the mountain does with its crystals.


- If a winter royal loses their wings, they become a demon of the dark side of winter. The flames that destroy winter. The gem on your head and eyes will turn blood red and hair will turn black.

- If a winter royal loses their wings, they become almost demonic, thirsting for blood, revenge, and gain justice for the act that was put on them. Have the feeling of wnating to kill the one responcible. It is instinct to kill when the wings have been severed. 

- They can never regain back their wings until killing the criminal. That is the only way they can survive.

- A winter royal can't last in its dark form for long. If they do, they will become a demon on earth. You will be a part of the black rock that makes a mountain.  Will desire blood to pool at their feet, will want to kill everything in their path like a snow avalanche, won't be able to stop, and might even kill their mates since they will lose all sense of who they once were." 

- The moon and winter spirits that granted her her wings and power demand sacrifice and retribution. Regeneration to the fallen and severed gifts like a unicorn. Cut off its horn and it brings great evil until it is shown pureness of the heart. the royal must kill the one responsible for destroying the gifts given to them." 

- For the sacrifice to be made they must be in their element. For privacy go into the mountain, deep in where it is friskily cold. Not cold enough to freeze but enough to be slippery to get out.

- Winter ambassadors inform the younger generation of these facts. A winter moon ambassador that has gone through the entire earth's history and centuries finding and helping those that are blessed by the winter moon season. 

-Before confronting the criminal and killing them if that is the end decision. You have to absorb the moonlight rays and gain acceptance of your actions by the winter season and moon goddess. At the mountain. Must knock the criminal unconscious in order for the moon and winter season spirits to get a visual of the sacrifice just like the sacrifices under the sun. The same thing when asking the spirits to witness the renewal of the sin they have committed.

Silver (Snow Swan's mother)

A winter Warrior

Richard Auburn once described her, "Yes, she was a strong-willed woman who was most like you but a warrior. She wasn't a royal but a winter warrior. A winter warrior is the only person that can give birth to a royal which is you." 

The god/leaders of the ice world.

Ourea is a god that has the voice of all mountains gods.  Ourea, the god of the mountains."

 Khione, the goddess of Ice, snow, and cold.

 Hiems the god of winter. He has another persona inside that is his other half Boreas, the bringer of winter.

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