Part 6

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"Got everything you need? All baggage, passport..." Dad fuzzes over me as the Taxi driver loads my things.

"Yes, dad. I have everything, even you know." He nods and brings me the last hug before I get in the car. I roll down the windows to tell him. "Also, tell Bella I said bye and I will call when I get to my room."

I wave as the taxi drives off to the airport. Oh, Italy, sure hope nothing wrong will happen while I am away. Hope you are good Bella.

"All passengers boarding plane to Italy, Voltera, please get on board!" The speaker calls out as I make it through the security system and soon make it on the plane. 

The plane has many people boarding it and I luckily got a window seat. I clutch onto the sides as the plane takes off. I sigh to calm down my nerves and watch outside the window as Forks disappears and the clouds surround us.

I pull out my earphones as the ride is going to be long and lean my head back. I hope everything will be alright. I have never traveled like this away from home before and considering it is the first time I am on a plane is amazing.

I wonder what Volterra looks like. Can't wait to see where the school assigns me for homework and perhaps my work can go to an art museum before I return home. Oh, that would be wonderful. Hmm, maybe getting a job will also help. Have the experience of Italy to its fullest. 

Hmm, wonder what Jake would like as a souvenir. I might ask him, better note down to take pics and send them to Jake. Another note to call dad when in my room. You see the school in Italy is a grand place but I have to go to a hotel that is close by. It is not like those universities that have dorms.

Hopefully, I can get a cheap room and one I don't have to share with anyone. I sigh again to calm down before my wings begin ruffling with the nerves and excitement. I open my eyes and look outside seeing the sun has set and it is nighttime. Geez, time flies when you are in your own little world. Oh well, nothing gigantic is happening right now.

My phone begins to ring pulling me from re-entering my thoughts. Oh, it is Bella.

"Hey sis, can you hear me okay?" I answer.

"Yeah, I can. Why didn't you come over to the Cullens and say bye?" She scolds me which I roll my eyes at.

"Sorry sis, it was going to take an hour to get to the Cullens house which you left really late for, and by the time I would have gotten there, it would take two hours to get to the airport. Bella, I am sorry for not saying bye directly but-"

"No more excuses. I have had it with you. You just are an ignorant bitch who only cares about herself and nobody else. So if you know what is good for you, stay in Italy and never return." I stare at the white seat in front of me in shock as the line goes dead.

What the hell just happened? Bella just swore at me and she never did that. I know we have our differences and different moms but this...this is really weird. I close my phone and lean back staring at the ceiling. 

I don't know what to say about that. I have always cared for her and given her the space she needed and whatnot but now, the one time I didn't give her a hug or any care of attention to her just so I can't miss my flight, she blows up at me? What gives? I can't be her paparazzi all the time. I have a life too to live, not be like cinderella weighing on her hand and foot.

I scoff under my breath and stretch my lips into a wild grin. Bella just needs to cool off and grow up. She is sixteen, she can take care of herself and it is not like she is alone. She has the Cullens wrapped around her finger, dad, Jake, and her friends. She is perfectly fine without me serving her day and night.

I sigh once more and lean back going to sleep. This is my trip, my scholarship, and my life, no sister is going to ruin it.

*Yeah, take that Bells! 

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