Part 24

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"Hm, a newly transformed vampire sick from blood alone...I always love a challenge." Richard the Volturi doctor states as he examines me. 

My mates stand behind the couch but Marcus stays as my cushion behind me. It only took two minutes for the doc to come in. Richard Auburn. Wavy brown hair, a brownish tinge to his red eyes, straight pale features with some stub on his jaw and is quite tall standing at least six feet. 

"Hm, is it anything to worry about?" I ask curious and worried about this. If no vampire ever got sick from the smell of blood, then what the hell is wrong with me? Does this have to do with the demonic change I went through? Does it do with my blood? My powers? What!?

"I am assured it is nothing to worry about right now. I am going to do a rare test though." I nod as he turns his head to fish through his brown leather bag. He takes out a syringe and presses it on my skin. 

"That isn't going to go through Richard," Caius says with a bored tone. 

"We shall see." Richard lifts his eyes at my blonde mate with a charming smile on his lips and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He lowers his gaze to what he is doing. The tip presses slightly harder on my forearm. He pauses again to look at me, I nod to him, giving him permission to continue.

Held breath as the steel forces on the skin and instead of breaking, the needle goes in my arm. My arm flinches but I feel no pain. Narrowing my eyes, I look as black blood is pulled out of my veins.

"What the..." Richard stops sucking up the black liquid when it reached 3 centimeters before pulling it out. The small hole closes up quickly. My gaze flies to the syringe as it is lowered onto a white paper with some black designs around it. "What is that?"

"It is to show us what is wrong with you and help us find the cure." Cure? What cure? am I really sick? 

We watch as the black liquid is administered onto the paper. The black spreads and we wait. Waiting only for a minute before the black liquid seeps into the paper and disappears.

"Where did it go?" Marcus asks but Richard holds his hand up; his eyes never leaving the paper.

The answer revealed itself as black cursive words begin to appear on the paper like the black liquid was ink and magically wrote on the paper. 

'Power of reversion.' That is all it said. What does that mean? I look past my eyelashes to Richard.

"It seems your sickness is caused by your transformation from being a human to a vampire. The vampire that changed you is an odd form of vampire, really ancient, and his/her venom gave you new powers that you will experience some sickness before getting them." I lean back shocked.

"But doc, I wasn't fully human. I kinda had white wings and already have power." Richard looks at me with slight alarm and fear. why would he be afraid?

"What would that power be?"

"I can appear and disappear in the moonlight." Richard's reaction is not what I expected. Instead of having understanding, he has true fear.

"Richard? You look like you saw a ghost. What is wrong with our mate?" Aro says and nearly surprises me. Forgot they were there.

"When were you born?" Richard asks me, ignoring Aro.

"On December 21st under the full white moon as my father was told by my mother. My father told me that I gained the gem on my forehead and wings from the moon. Does that mean anything to this?" I ask.

"You are impossible." Richard stands to pace in front of the fireplace. I glance at my mates confused and stand up to see what Richard means and knows.

"What do you mean?"

"My queen. You are very rare. Before telling you more, tell me what your mother's name is." He caresses my hands in his gaining growls from my mates.

"I don't know. My father never told me who my mother's name was just that she died and gave me her silver Ducati." I confessed unsurely.

"My dear. You are a winter royal. You represent winter, you bear its season and provide just as a mountain does. Tell me, have you given birth to anything during your time as a mortal?"

"Um yeah, crystal eggs. Actually, can you guys remind me later about this ring." my mate nods confused but assured. I turn back to Richard as he nods, his body now relaxed which relaxed me.

"That is the gifts you give back to the moon and winter giving you powers. What happened then to your wings? You are supposed to have wings unless you are hiding them." I shake my head.

"No, I am not hiding them. They...they were cut off." Richard inhales a deep breath.

"That is not good. If a winter royal loses their wings, they become a demon of the dark side of winter. The flames that destroy winter. I guess that explains your blood-red gem on your head and red eyes. You received red eyes when you awoke right and black hair?" I nod. Richard weaves his fingers through his hair and begins pacing again.

"Tell me what does this have to do with anything?" I ask.

"If a winter royal loses their wings, they become almost demonic, thirsting for blood, revenge and gain justice for the act that was put on them. Have you felt like killing the person responsible?" Now it makes sense.

"Yeah. When I found out, I felt hot rage. I nearly beheaded them but I didn't but I still want to." I curl my fingers to a fist, the hot rage surging once more in my veins.

"That is your instincts. You can never regain back your wings until you kill them. You won't return back being the pure white winter royal you once were until you kill the person who has sinned on you. That is the only way I am afraid you can survive."

"Survive? what do you mean survive? what is there that I should fear?" I ask, concern growing in my veins.

"A winter royal can't last in their dark form for long. If they do, they will...I don't wish to say. It is too much for you." I grip his arm and narrow my eyes.

"Tell me." The sheer power in my demand got Richard to lower his gaze away from my dominating one. I don't mean to be so pressing onto this matter but if this form is going to kill me I want to know.

"You will become a demon on earth. You will be a part of the black rock that makes a mountain. You will desire blood to pool at your feet, you will want to kill everything in your path like a snow avalanche, you won't be able to stop and you might even kill your mates since you will lose all sense of who you once were." My fingers loosen, falling off his arm as my eyebrows relax. My feet slide back my body retreating from the doctor. I..will become a true beast.

"Is there any way to stop this? To not make her kill?" Caius asks.

"The moon and winter spirits that granted her her wings and power demand sacrifice and retribution. Regeneration to the fallen and severed gifts like a unicorn. Cut off its horn and it brings great evil until it is shown pureness of the heart. Your mate must kill the one responsible for destroying the gifts given to her." 

I have to kill Bella in order to live and not become a demon. What will my father say? what will he do? What will he think? an image of Jake enters my mind. No, no, nononononono! Jake will hate me! He will think of me as a murderer, just like all the other leaches. He will never understand.

"Snow! Snow!" blackness swallows my vision and my body enters dreamland.

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