Part 21

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"Um, what do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Well, Bella said you got attacked by one of the giant wolves and you died. I couldn't find your body before Harry and I had to go and hunt those wolves. We couldn't find any but oh, sweety, I am so happy it is just a misunderstanding. What happened?" He asks in a rush and newfound bloodthirst or more like bloodlust rushes through my icy veins.

"I did get struck by an animal but luckily I was able to get help from Jacob. He protected me against the giant bear that was chasing Bella. I was hit on the head but Jacob was managed to bring me to his house and take care of me. Didn't Billy call you?" I lied for all our sakes.

"No, he didn't. They didn't answer for the last few days you were gone." I narrow my eyes when hearing days with an 's'. How long have I been transforming?

"Um, dad, I didn't get to ask but how long was I gone?" I ask unsure of the time.

"You have been gone for a week." Crunch! I look down and see I grabbed the side of the truck and crushed it in my fist. I look into the truck and mouth a sorry to Jacob. Bella asked what that sound was but Jake just lied saying it was a branch that fell in the woods. "What was that sound?"

"Uh, it was a branch Jacob broke, we are heading back home. You should stay at the Clearwaters dad, it is for your support, and gives Mrs. Clearwater my condolences." I pull his mind elsewhere.

"Sure. Be safe kiddo and see you soon."

"Take your time dad. You need it and I have Jacob with me, nothing will happen." I end the call and lean on the metal. 

The car ride was of Bella and Jake talking as I kept silent. I growled when my thoughts move to what Bella has done. She now lied to her father saying I was dead. If I didn't have a great friend sitting by her side, I would commit murder on her.

The car stops driving and I see a black car. Bella says it must be Edward and Jacob went over to her to stop her. Can be dangerous. Oh yes, please sis go in and get killed. Better the Cullens than I.

As Bella heads in and Jacob slams the door closed he comes over to lean on the crunched truck side. He tries his wolf strength but nothing. I grin and fix it back up like there wasn't a bent metal at all.

"Show off," Jacob mutters making me laugh out loud. As I roll my head forward from throwing it back to laugh three figures in my room catch my eyes. Oh right, the guards.

"Jake how about you head in and check on Bella while I go and change." Jake nods heading in while I walk to the side of the house where my window is. Crouching I jump up and swing into my room.

"My queen!" They gawk at me.

"Long story, got bitten by a vampire and now am like this all thanks to the human bitch downstairs. Which Cullen is here?" I ask and move to throw new clothes on myself. The old ones haven't been changed so my old blood scent is still on it.

"Um, the perky one, Alice." Felix answers still gawking at me.

"The masters are not going to be happy about this," Demetri states crossing his arms over his chest and frowning.

"Yeah well, right now I need to figure out what the hell to do now. Thanks to my wolf shifter friend that I now have mended our relationship," I hear the intake of a hiss from Felix. "As friends Felix, as friends. Will you cool it? My mates are the king's nobody else so relax will you?" I snark at him cleaning up a bit of my room.

I also am packing because I am sure in my gut that I won't be coming back for a while. I sigh when moving in slow motion so using my speed I got all of my stuff all stuffed in their respected bags.

"There. Now, let me check downstairs. Leave these here. I will tell you when I need these to go to the castle. for now, leave them here." The guard nods and I head downstairs. the phone rings as I enter the kitchen and so I pick up the phone.

"Swan Residence," I answer.

"May I speak to Charlie?" Edward. What his kind and slightly now mine did surges through my veins. All this hell is from Edward. If he hadn't broken up with Bella she wouldn't of cut off my wings. If Edward never told Bella of vampires, we wouldn't be in this mess. My friend wouldn't have shifted, I wouldn't have turned into a vampire, and even maybe Harry wouldn't be dead. With venom all over my mouth and on my tongue, I hiss at him.

"He isn't here, he is arranging for a funeral." I slam the phone on the wall and begin panting. My bloodthirst is coming back and it might be stronger than before.

"Who was it?"

"Always the problem," I growl at Jake who asked me.

"Snow, who was it?" Bella asked this time playing the innocent one when she is the murderer of the light.

"It was that leech." Jake hissed figuring out the voice.

"What? Why didn't you let me speak to him?" Bella launches at me but Jacob gets in the way understanding my bloodthirst only raises when I get angry.

"He didn't ask for you and why would he? Your dead." I remember hearing Alice saying she saw Bella jump off a cliff.

"Bella! Bella! He is going to the Volturi, he thinks your dead. He wants to die too." Alice rushes in with a fast walk.

"Good riddance." I snarl pissed by the situation at hand.

"How dare you? just because you have a lonely life doesn't mean you should try and be a total slutty bitch." Bela screeched at me and it is now my turn to stand in front of him to keep him from shifting.

"You would very surprised how much I have changed and you will regret ever crossing me. Now go if you want. Go save your ex-lover." I hiss and she runs off. Jacob lowers his head and begins sniffing my neck.

"Jake what are you doing?" He sniffs a few times and then pulls away. I turn to face him.

"I needed a distraction. Plus, you don't smell so foul like the others. You still have your human scent of pine." He says leaning his head down so we can face each other easily.

"Good to know and it is also because I haven't hunted at all after my change remembers," I tell him and his eyes widen remembering.

"That is right. how are you not going mad?" He asks surprised.

"I guess I am a much more mature woman than you." I laugh at his fake dramatic shocked face.

"You wound me." I laugh again and head outside just as Bella and Alice head off to my mates.

"You going to go after them?" Jake asks behind me.

"Got to. She is my sister and also I have much to explain to my three vampire king mates." I hear Jake curse under his breath.

"That is what else happened in Italy." I nodded still looking at the road.

"Be safe." He wraps his arms from behind to my front.

"always and besides now, the only enemy I have is fire and getting ripped to shreds by your kind," I tell him leaning on him, he is real support.

"Um, why did your legs disappear?" I look down and see my legs are gone. The moonlight. I look up at the full white moon. That is right, as a human, I had the ability to disappear under the moonlight.

"That seems to be my ability. Invisibility under the moon." I turn and head into all the moonlight. 

"Woah, where did you go?" I laugh.

"I am where I disappeared. Here I am." I lean my head under the shade and I appear.

"Go on then Casper. Fly free fallen angel." I smile at him and runoff. The guards drop down from the trees and run off behind me.

Swanling (Volturi Kings)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora