Part 31

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Flap, flap, flap, flap. Woossshhh.

I turn the corner of the castle and spin around and over my mates.

"Morning!" I call to them as I near the corner of another hallway. 

Flap, flap, flap, flap. Wooossshhh, ssshhhh. I land down from my morning flight into the library. Expanding my chest as the book page smell enters my senses. Got to love libraries. Walking to the center of the room where the large wooden tables lie with stacks of books already on them.

"Jane, Alec! You in here dears?" I call to the twins.

The two siblings appear in their seats next to each other on the other side of the oak table I stand at. They have a notebook to write down their notes and their pencil cases which I asked them to bring.

"We are ready." Jane beams at me, giddy excitement shaking her body in her seat. Alec nods with a beaming smile, excitement flowing through his figure just like his siter.

"Good. Now, as I have already sent your schedules to you this morning we are doing some litterature. Since I much more interesting in ancient lore and mythology we shall be looking at different language for example runes." Pages turn and pens click ready to write.

A nice long hour on them learning some things, did we gain a visitor in the library. Turning over the page I eneded with, my eyes look up to see Richard. His own eyes rake over ym reading position. Both knees bent up, my thighs a nice book rest as my back lies softly on the three pillow holding me up. the twins are writing down their essays for the litterature task I asked them to do.

"Richard, what brings you here? I assure you we all are in perfect health." The doctor comes over to sit in the loveseat on the left side of the fire.

"I have researched more about your kind and I think you should learn yourself of the tasks stored for you by the winter gods." Setting the book down, I tuck my legs lower down on the floor. My attention was fully on him.

"You now need to learn to control the temperatures hot and cold and freezing, weather storms and whatnot, also must learn to speak the winter animal languages that will be aided by your babies." I narrow my eyes at the last part.

"Babies! I am not pregnant nor was I..." The eggs! The baby dragon that helped me give my wings back. "You mean the eggs. They are all just stone, gems. the only two i can think of that might have babies inside are the red eggs I laid after mating with the kings."

"Yes, those two and the ones to be born soon. You did have sex with the kings more than once." A blush creeps on my face thinking back to the night and morning with the kings when we returned home. "Those eggs will have children inside but here is one thing the winter gods have told me." He takes an unneeded breath before continuing. "The white marble egg that you lay will not be a dragon but a human child."


"WHAT!?" I turn to see the three kings at the entrance door of the library. I gawk at them as they stare at Richard.

"Richard, a human child....are you sure?" I ask unsure myself.

"Yep, only a white marble egg can hold a human child through your kind blood. Your mother gave birth to you in the human way since she mated with a normal human but since you mated with a magical creature, your child will be born by an egg." I lean back on the sofa.

Hang on, why do I find myself sitting in the library when learning more of my breeds history. Why not in my chambers or in a garden? It has to be here in the library, a place where plenty of knowledge is stored and obtained.

"Also, not to alarm you but Mark Frost, your professor, correct?" I nodded not knowing what is going to be said next. "The gods told me, he was your grandfather."

I lean my head back deflated. This....this is too much. I, I stand up and flap up in the air and fly off. the air will cool me down. Not sparing another glance I fly to the gardens where I know I can think clearly. Landing in the tree, I sigh sinking into the wood.

First, I give birth to eggs and they have dragons inside them. 

Next, I find out that any more eggs I have will contain a dragon baby in them from fucking with the kings. Not to mention that when I lay a white marble egg, it will have the kings and I human baby. Or vampire baby? I don't know! Just a baby. One that will talk, grow, walk, grow, be a teenager than an adult, and what next! It ain't exactly a normal child is it? No. It is a baby in an egg! 

"Love, breathe." Caius' voice pulls me to the real issue at hand.

I choke on my breathing once my brain realizes I am now panting in short breaths. I wave my hand for some cool air to clear my throat but it doesn't help. Looking at Caius, he sees my panic.

"Richard!" the doctor comes up and dumps a bucket of ice water on me.

"Richard!" Caius growls die down when I gasp in a breath. My throat opens and welcomes the cold.

"God, thank you. Geez, I felt like a fish out of water." I clutch the tree bark, my body uneasy in balancing on the branch. Caius lifts me in his arms and jumps both of us down. My wet cold body dripping and soaking his white button shirt. "Caius your shirt."

"I have plenty and it is only water. It ain't going to kill me." He keeps me in his arms as aro and Marcus step closer.

"Are you alright mia amore? You seem pale as a ghost." The word begins to affect my body as it now shivers and a piercing headache comes on.

"She needs to be transferred to her element. Now! The wings on her body have returned and so have her gifts. Accepting the role given by the gods means she has to become the creature her mother was. We have to bring her to her room to cool her off. Felix, Demetri get all the ice cubes you can find and place them in the queen tub." The kings rush immediately to leave. Richard this time follows to help them.

"Why all the ice?" Marcus asks curiously.

"Her body is still demonic hot which is not settling well with her ice wings. She needs to be submerged in her own element in order to survive the transformation and be able to breed her children once again." We enter the room as my shivering turn to shaking like I am having a fit.

"Don't...y-you...d-d-dare d-d-d-drop me...." I stutter under my shaking fit in Caius' arms.

"Never." Caius grins down slightly but turns back to serious once we enter the room.

"The tub is ready." Jane is at the doorframe.

"Good, move." Jane moves back as Caius brings me in and sets me on the ice.

I flutter my eyes and sigh in relaxation. The ice welcomes me in a soft embrace. All the heat and shivering, the shaking all settle down to nothing. I give off a smile of happy bliss as I lie in the tub filled with ice water. My mind clears away all the spinning and my wings sing euphoria with the new temperature.

"You seem very content in there, love." Aro sits on the edge alongside Marcus and Caius looking down at me submerged in the ice.

"Very."I giggle and dig my hands in and under the ice sending more shivers, cold tingles that are most welcomed along my skin.

"Well, now we know what to start with your training with the winter and cold weather." My mates and I glare at Richard.

"Jane please escort Richard outside my room and back to his hospital wing where he should be for the next day or so," I tell the girl sweetly and she nods pulling the doctor away. "Glad he is gone and that issue is over with. I am staying here relaxing first then dealing with the mess he left me to think about."

"And we will watch and give you company my dear." Marcus sits in the white chair in the bathroom. Aro and Caius get comfy on the floor or on the side of the tube.

Swanling (Volturi Kings)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang