Part 3

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Once inside the building, I head over to my locker and arrange my books for today. I hear a few girls begin squealing and giggling which resulted in me rolling my eyes. I know the sign for that reaction all too well.

Edward Cullen.

The handsome bachelor in this town. Or more like in this school.

I, myself, wouldn't go about calling him handsome. More like descent looks and just a normal guy. Nothing to squeal about. Now, Jacob, he would be the one I would squeal for. Alas, he is my friend and it would be just an awkward mess.

"Morning miss Swan." My shoulders sag hearing his voice. His locker is right next to mine so any privacy from the creep is zero.

"Morning and goodbye." I close my locker with a fine slam and twirl around heading in the opposite direction that he just came from. Yes, it is a bit mean for walking away but trust me, he is not to be friends with.

He is a nice guy, very charming and shy but something about him and his siblings just ruffles my feathers in the wrong way which does not sit well with me. So, as any sane person, I keep myself at a distance and socialize very little with him or his siblings.

"Why not walk together to class? It is the same class we have, so..." I don't reply to his suggestion and just resume in my walk through the corridors and I guess, allow him to walk at my side.

"Nice weather huh?" Still not responding to him. Can't he take a hint?

The classroom comes in view and with a sigh, I enter with Cullen boy behind me. I sigh again because I have to sit with him. Our teacher had to pair us up and so he and I are at the same table. 

Luckily, Edward sits and stays quiet finally getting the hint, I am not going to talk with him. When he came into the school with his siblings, he stayed mostly to himself and near his siblings but soon he began talking to me and trying for me to be friends with him.

I always never said anything to him and completely ignored any advances he made because of that ruffling feather feeling and the fact, I already have a male friend and that is a certain Quilette male that I begin to miss.

Jacob has always been my friend. We would play and hang out and even spend my birthday together. Nobody knows this except for Jacob and my dad but I lay eggs. Not eggs like a chicken but eggs that are gems. Every year on my birthday I would sit in my make-shift nest half-naked and lay one to three or four eggs. 

It is weird I know but it is as it is. Luckily, my father arranged for me to miss school on my birthday and allow Jacob to be in my room with me to keep me company while dad is at his work. Jacob obviously has his head turned away if he is in the room. If he isn't he would sit outside my bedroom door waiting till I am done. 

Just last year I laid three blue sapphire eggs. I named them 'Poseidon's Triplets' and attach the date of when they are born. When they are dated and clean from some blood and essence that leaks out after giving birth to the eggs, I place them in the big black and gold chest I have at the far corner of my room. 

At first, Jacob was surprised and also blushed considering I was standing with my private out but after all the blushing and explaining, Jacob swore to keep my secret and give me company during the egg-laying. He said it is in case anything wrong happens and I would need some help. I told him I have done this egg-laying every year since I was thirteen. He doesn't need to be so worried.

These eggs aren't with a chick inside or some creature. They are gem/crystal eggs, meaning the egg color is the egg gem/crystal. The Poseidon triplets are each 15 centimeters in length and thirteen centimeters in width, with 200 or 300-pound Sapphire crystal in form of an egg. The eggs are usually ten centimeters wide and eleven centimeters tall.

The first time I laid an egg, I was in a frozen shock state and scream bloody murder that nearly got my dad a heart attack. We cleaned up the mess but I still sat on my bed in shock. Father got over the odd thing and said it might have been a one-time thing. It certainly was not.

Now enough about that, onto my class and the lecture on biology. I just explained my personal biology thank you very much. 

"Miss Swan, mind telling me what is inside an egg?" The irony!!!!!

"Egg yolk?" The class chuckles slightly and the teacher nods before delving into what is part of the yolk and its textures. 

"Good job." Edward leans in and whispers to me. I glance at him before returning my gaze to the presentation.

*uh-huh, keep flirting Cullen boy soon you won't be interested in her anymore.

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