Part 9

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I place the hot pot down before heading to see who is in the suite. Three males greet my view. I say...they are handsome and familiar. 

The one on the right is a brown long-haired male that looks to be in his forties, A black long coat covering a black suit with black pants. Traditional and orignal.

My eyes move onto the one in the center who has short-cut blonde hair and looks to be thirty or younger plus he looks like a model, damn! Same outfit except wearing a red silk scarf around his neck loose.

The last one on the left is a black short-haired male, pale skin; Wait! They all have pale skin, paler than the Cullens. Weird, but nonetheless the male is quite attractive, closer to the looking age of the blonde. Black and red suit under the same black coat. I also can see a silver chain that leads to a silver pendant but I can't see what is symbol is.

"Um, hello." I greet them, their eyes focus on mine and I swear I heard them take a deep breath in. I must be a sight for sore eyes then. "Are you lost?"

"Um, no. Are you Snow Swan, the special scholarship student that is showcasing five works of art at the Volterra museum?" the brown-haired male asks looking down at a piece of paper I didn't see him holding onto before.

"Yes." my eyes widen in realization. "You must be the three judges assessing me. I am sorry, I haven't got any works started just yet." I look around slightly out of place. Didn't expect them to come so soon. I haven't even thought of what to showcase. Also, I am glad I haven't removed my coat just yet, or else there will be a lot of questions.

"No problema, mia cara. We only wanted to come and introduce ourselves and welcome you to Volterra." The black-haired male speaks next giving me an Italian pet name.

"Oh, okay, definitely no problem then. Do come in and make yourselves at home. Would you like anything to eat, drink?" I ask as I walk back to the kitchen with the males following.

"No, my dear. We already ate before coming here." The brown-haired male licks his lips drawing my attention there for a brief second before returning to his dark brown eyes.

"Alright. Well, please sit. I wasn't expecting company so soon." We head to the sofa, I already placed a lid on my dish for it to not get cold. "Today is just full of surprises," I mutter as tuck my coat under and keep the flaps closed to keep my wings hidden.

"Well pardon us for coming without calling." The blonde male speaks next. Hm, honey voice with a slight tease, very interesting.

"No, it is okay. Anyway, may we get down to business?" I ask wanting to eat so badly. I also don't want my stomach to sound off and make them guilty of interrupting my lunch.

"Very well, mia cara. First, we must introduce ourselves. My name is Aro Volturi, these are my brothers, Marcus and Caius." The two nod at me with a smile which I smile back.

"Well, you know my name already as being Snow Swan. Do go on." I gesture nonchalantly.

"The showcase of your five works of art must represent you in five ways. Caius," Aro turns to his brother who pulls a letter from the inside of his black jacket. He leans over to pass it to me and I grab it, my fingers slide gently over his cold skin. Electric tendrils slither up my arm as I pull the letter away. He draws his hand back slowly. Did he feel that the same way that I did?

"The artworks are to be each individual and different pieces, "Caius explains as I open the letter, making sure not to destroy the engraved red wax crest keeping the letter sealed. "The ways of showcasing your art are painting, sculpting, photo collage, a written presentation with big letters, and last your word presentation of how you explain your art."

Everything the blonde male is saying is written out in detail in the letter. There are also, at the last line, five price boxes. Hmm, guess I am marketing my works at the end.

"The artworks are also to be discussed with us about pricing and if you have the right financial problem-solving in putting a price for others to buy which can happen as these artworks if passed the test will remain there for all of Italy to see." Marcus resumes the explanation.

"Hm, priced my artwork before so I don't see a problem but since this is a new city and continent than Forks, the pricing will definitely be discussed. Should be basic value though. Hours taken in creating the said piece, materials used, frame size plus added with tax and affordable with a discount if making copies." I tell them, as I fold the paper back into the envelope.

"That is amazing that you have experience with marketing your work. Anyway, we won't keep you long from your lunch. We will call and make an appointment next time we visit." the brothers get up as I do walking around the small glass table.

"That is alright. Thank you for visiting and hope you have a good night." They walk to the elevator and head in. They wave bye as the doors close; I only offer them a small smile. Once I know the three are gone down far enough, I relax my tight posture and head over to my pasta.

Those guys are familiar! they were the gentlemen in that alley when i was taking the fountain photo. Hm, was it coincidental in finding them standing near the airport and then disappearing when our eyes met? Were they waiting for me? Oh well, at least now I know they are not dangerous.

Well, it is only one o'clock in the afternoon and I have met with all the people needed to see. The rest of the afternoon is to organize all my stuff. Yay. *note sarcasm*

*I find organizing quite a stress reliever, any of you have experienced such feeling?

Comment down below your thoughts and feelings.


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